What Is Causes Acne And How Treat Acne With Natural Way - Medical Info -->

What Is Causes Acne And How Treat Acne With Natural Way

Acne, even is not a disease, acne is the skin that can cause a lot of anxiety and sorrow for the teenagers, rash spots is especially noticeable on the face, neck, and shoulders, as well as more frequent in suffer biys than older women.

acne and what cause of acne and how to prevent of acne
acne and what causes acne and how treat acne

What causes Acne?
at the age of puberty, i.e. during between eleven and fourteen, the skin become very because fat glands addition activity in the skin. these glands are activated by the hormones produced at the stage of human development.

the pores of the skin can be clogged additional secretions from these glands and then this blockage to black (black head) that is so prevalent acne, look as if then blackened skin inflamed, they develop into acne and boils, but chemical changes in the secretion of the gland and this was the major reason.

How To Treat Acne
usually acne is a disease that is cured by yourself in the majority of cases, after the hormonal changes at puberty passed then the skin and the fat glands become calm, but in thus age of boys and girls are very aware of the appearance and want to look attractive, so ace can be a problem.

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therefore, the sufferer needs to do everything possible to reduce the effects of acne to a minimum
1. wash the face in warm water within  short time, this effort will be a lot of throwing away the black smudges and blackheads before it becomes of acne.

2. a number of lotions can be obtained from pharmacies or from prescription for acne treatment, acne creams usually have the effect of drying out and fight which redundant fat, fat is what role the great cause of acne.
3. acne tends to improve submarine summer, ultraviolet rays in sunlight is able to dry out the skin and provide a beneficial effect, so based on this is a boy or girls who do breakouts used excessive oil or moisturizer when the sun would go.

4. the antibiotic cream can be given in the recipe for long-term use, if the situation is severe, this cream will eliminate the infection in these patches and raises a useful reaction upon the chemical composition of sebum.
acne can cause grief and anxiety is great for teenagers and the sufferer will only be lightly amused at the time were informed that the pimples will disappear over time as we get older.

the life of adolescence is the life of the current and long term healing cannot be understood, lucky if the acne cannot be cured instantly, much can be done to remedy this situation to arise over natural reduction this acne problem.

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