How To Care For HIV/AIDS Sufferers At Home With A Positive Way Of Life - Medical Info -->

How To Care For HIV/AIDS Sufferers At Home With A Positive Way Of Life

How To Care For HIV/AIDS Sufferers At Home With A Positive Way Of Life

HIV is the virus that make someone immune to be weak so that sufferers will be easily exposed to infections and other diseases.

How To Care For HIV/AIDS Sufferers At Home With A Positive Way Of Life Image

What Is Attacked By HIV?

the HIV virus attacks the body's defense mechanism the most important i.e. CD4. for many years the virus is in the body and destroys CD4 so that the body is not able to fight off the germs or bacteria that enters the body.

How HIV/AIDS Is Contagious?

  • the HIV virus exists on all liquids in the body but can only be transmitted through certain body fluids, namely :
  • transmission through blood
  • transmission through semen (sperm, not liquid)
  • transmission through vaginal fluid
  • transmission through breast milk (BREAST MILK)

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The Way Of Transmission Of HIV/AIDS

  • sexual intercourse without using a condom
  • using the syringe, piercing, tattoos are not sterile and latrines
  • a pregnant mother who suffered from HIV-positive infant feeding in the womb will be contracting at the time in the womb or when breastfeeding.
  • blood transfusions containing HIV.

The Attention 

does not mean that if you are HIV + means you will feel sick. because the HIV virus life journey takes many years. so even though you are HIV + are often you do not feel that you are sick. so live healthy-minded and positive conduct that must still be applied.

A Positive Way Of Life For Sufferers Of HIV/AIDS

  • take relationship with others actively
  • speak with other people who you believe when you have a problem
  • open about your status of an HIV/AIDS sufferers to family or to people you trust so that they can help if a problem occurs on you.
  • Please check your health on a regular basis as recommended by your doctor or health worker.
  • do healthy living patterns, such as: regular and nutritious meals, bedtime, do exercise regularly, avoid stress by learning how to confront or resolve the issue properly.

It should be noted that HIV/AIDS in maintaining the cleanliness of the

  1. wash your hands using SOAP after defecation, before eating and after eating.
  2. brush your teeth every day after breakfast and before bed, do not use the toothbrush in conjunction with others.
  3. bathroom 2 x a day using SOAP, keep the humidity of the skin to its full potential by using skin moisturizers or body lotion.
  4. in order to keep the nails short and clean always
  5. use a clean and soft apparel
  6. use a skin moisturizer to avoid dry skin.

The Food Must Be On The Consumption Of The HIV/AIDS Sufferers To Stay Healthy

to maintain body so stay healthy and keep fit, you need to pay attention to a balanced food containing enough nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats vitamins and minerals. such as the following:

Carbohydrates :

  • rice
  • sago
  • bread
  • tubers
  • instant noodles (but not too often)

Protein :

  • egg 
  • meat
  • nuts
  • tofu
  • fish


  • vegetable oil
  • fish
  • meat
  • milk

Vitamins :

  • all kinds of vegetables and fruits

Minerals and water

The composition of foods :

  • 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat

eat with small portions, but often if you're feeling nauseous, especially if there is, you can drink ARVS. eat a minimum of 1 hour before drinking ARVS.

The Food Should Be On Notice By HIV/AIDS

  • avoid foods that are preserved, such as food in cans or fermented foods
  • avoid drinking milk that has not been in the sterilization  i.e. the milk direct from cow or goat of the juice.
  • Try eating a vegetable that has been cooked and do not consume raw vegetables
  • do not use flavor enhancer (msg) in cooking food, better use of garlic and sugar.
  • try to always eat at home, because the food is purchased outside rulah is not guaranteed hygiene
  • don't often drink while eating so as not to quick satiety
  • avoid eating eggs and meat are cooked half done.

HIV Is Not Transmitted Through

  • get in touch
  • kissing, hugging and be shaken
  • a variety of eating and drinking equipments
  • bathroom
  • the swimming pool
  • mosquito bites
  • the same House lived with HIV-AIDS
  • sitting together in one room

Sports Recommended For Sufferers Of HIV/AIDS

exercise should be done at least 30 minutes 2-3 times a week such as: jogging, aerobic gymnastics, healthy path, cycling, the sport of agility in accordance with hobby and other physical activities.

How To Prevent Other Infections To HIV/AIDS

  1. avoid contact with other people suffering from coughs, flu, suffering from herpes or other infectious diseases.
  2. use mosquito netting or anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid mosquito bites
  3. always maintain the cleanliness of the home.
  4. If you have pets, keep the animal enclosure from home and keep a good hygiene of animal hygiene or cleanliness of the home games.

keep food and drinks on the grounds covered by the way :

  • wash vegetables and fruit with water flow
  • do not store food or save the beverage long time in the refrigerator
  • wash your clothes with clean and dry under the blazing sun
  • do not use other people's used clothing.

How To Prevent The Transmission Of HIV/AIDS

  • always use a condom every time you do a sexual
  • avoid using syringe interchangeably with others
  • When planning to become pregnant, consulting beforehand with the doctor
  • in a pair of unknown HIV status soon do VCT
  • avoid the presence of splashes of blood dilantai or elsewhere, if there are splashes of blood tap wound, clean the blood by using gloves and burn the trash don't waste was merged with another.

How Can Consume ARVS Regularly

  • install an alarm every time consuming ARVS
  • always bring ARVS wherever you go, circle a date on the calendar time to remind the time taking the ARVS at the clinic
  • tell your family or friends to help remind time drinking ARVS
  • use the medication (pill box)

To Do HIV/AIDS If The Fever

  • When body temperature over 39 degrees and feels chills:
  • go to clothes and do not use thick quilt
  • bathroom with cold water or flush the body of using cold water
  • drink plenty of plain water
  • Compress using the cold water lines or in the armpit
  • consumption paracetamol or other febrifuge in high body temperature.

To Do HIV/AIDS If The Cough

  1. drinking warm water white
  2. avoid eating fried foods and foods containing fat
  3. when coughing, phlegm so drinking soy sauce or kitchup mixed with lemon
  4. pull your breath through your nose and do cough in phlegm so that it can be toned out
  5. ask someone to Pat the shoulders so that phlegm can out
  6. cuddle pillow when coughing, when feeling chest pain when coughing
  7. Dispose sputum in place who were given chlorine or lisol
  8. cover the mouth when coughing, if using a tissue, the tissue into the trash dump and then burn
  9. stop smoking
  10. drinking cough medicine if necessary
  11. If shortness of breath, sleep with a sitting position or head fouled with two pillows

To Do HIV/AIDS If The Diarrhea

  1. drinking water containing electrolytes
  2. keep it packed with nutrition balanced so that the body is not weak
  3. clean the rectum properly and wash hands with SOAP
  4. If anal blisters, given with vaseline or ointments.
  5. compress the stomach with warm water so that the abdominal pain is reduced
  6. stop drinking coffee, tea or alcohol when diarrhea increased severely.

To Do HIV/AIDS If Vomiting

  1. recognize and avoid what makes nausea
  2. If nausea, sleep and take time off
  3. avoid drinking ice or cold water
  4. If vomiting, wasting flooded at this special place that had previously been given a solution or can discard lisol to toilet
  5. avoid foods that cause nausea, such as dietary fat, contain a flavor enhancer and the food is too spicy.
  6. eat small portions but often
  7. quit smoking and consuming alcohol
  8. compresses the abdomen with a warm compress.

To Do HIV/AIDS If Problems Occur On The Mouth

  1. sore teeth and gums bleed frequently occurs when less care for the mouth and teeth properly.
  2. cares mouth and teeth properly in order not to lose the appetite that result in a decrease in body weight
  3. brush your teeth 3 times a day, especially before going to bed
  4. use a soft toothbrush and rinse with clean, replace toothbrushes every 6 months.
  5. use a mixture of baking soda and salt to gargle.

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