Cyst And The Type Of Cyst Should Women Know - Medical Info -->

Cyst And The Type Of Cyst Should Women Know

Types of disease cysts is benign tumor that has a distinctive shaped cystic, containing a viscous fluid and there is also the form of wine. in additional, there are also cysts that contained air, fluids, pus, or other materials.

cyst disease based on the level of malignancy, the cyst was divided into two, namely the non-cyst anti-neoplastic activities and anti-neoplastic activities.

cyst and the type of cyst should women know
cyst and type of cyst

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non-cyst anti-neoplastic activities have benign and usually will deflate it self after 2 to 3 months. unlike the cysts anti-neoplastic activities which generally use surgery or surgery to be tread thought it also depends on the size and nature. cysts disease is also a disease that is considered dangerous for women.

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Type And Kind Of Cysts
to shorten the time, straight to the point!
the type and range of cyst disease :
1. Follicular Cyst
Follicular cyst is a type cyst is most often the case and formed because the egg is not released at the time of ovulation or process the release of the egg from the ovaries to the uterus. well, this one cyst usually cause pain. although this type of cyst is most do not cause symptoms and will disappear in few months.

2. The Corpus Lute-um Cyst
corpus lute-um cyst is  a cyst that forms after the egg is released from the ovary. the blood of the ovary that produces the egg cell will turn into a network called the corpus lute-um. as is what will disappear if the pregnancy does not occur.

usually, this type of cyst is not showed a prominent and sign diameter can be size 2-6 cm, when the eggs out of the ovaries toward the uterus, hence the follicles can be locked and loaded the blood or fluid, and it is these that form the corpus of types of cysts lute-um.

the incidence of extraordinary pain when its size becomes large and cause ovarian stem incurred, how the recommended treatment is to do a surgical removal of the cyst.

3. Dermoid Cyst
dermoid cyst is a cyst that contains examples of fat tissue, bones, teeth, hair and so on, the cyst usually considered benign and usually strikes young women can grow up to 15 cm and containing liquids, grease, hair, cartilage tissue. this type of cyst disease can cause inflammation and cause the position of Fallopian tubes incurred. 

4. Chocolate Cyst Or Endometriosis
chocolate cyst are cysts formed due to tissue in the uterus that is contained in the ovaries. when the menstrual cycle it will bleed but stuck in the ovaries. this certainly can cause soreness and pain as well as interfere with fertility in women.

these cysts usually contain blood tanned and has a size of which ranges between 2-20 cm cyst has the characteristics of attacking a woman at the age of reproduction, cause tremendous pain when the menstruation and women the most dangerous is can interfere with fertility.

5. Cystadenoma
is a type of cyst that can be enlarged until it reaches the radius reaches more than 24 inches.
Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome

one cyst is caused due to an excess of androgen hormones a.k.a.heredity. in fact, this one cyst may cause bleeding, infertility, disorders of pregnancy and miscarriage to cancer causing endometriosis.

especially the ladies with a productive age range should take heart because this disease attacks the 4-7% of women of productive age.

6. The Cyst Hemorrhagic
these cysts are cysts that occur if the bleeding occurred on the cyst. symptoms usually appear i.e. the presence of pain and cramps in the stomach on side of the body.

7. The Cyst Denoma
these types of cysts usually contain fluids that are very large and can reach 30 cm even more. polytheistic appear ovary is a condition where in small cysts formed around the outside of the ovary. this condition can be happen a women of normal as well as in women who underwent hormone endocrine disorders.

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