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What Is Anemia And Anemia Symptoms

What Is Anemia And Anemia Symptoms

Anemia Definition - Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration or down below normal. anemia is a condition where levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells count or is lower than the normal price. described as anemic when hemoglobin less than 14 g/dl and less than Ht 41% in men, or less Hb of 12 g/dl and Ht 37% less than in women.

Picture Of What Is Anemia And Anemia Symptoms

anemia occurs when a reduced number of erythrocytes and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood or 1 mm reduced the volume of the cell is invalidated (packed red cells volume) in 100 ml of blood.

Anemia Symptoms And Anemia Signs

5 Anemia Symptoms and Signs In Pregnant Women

  1. quickly tired
  2. frequent dizziness
  3. concentration is lost
  4. nausea
  5. throw up more excellent

5 Symptoms And Signs Of Anemia In General

  1. easy sleepy
  2. the weakness of the
  3. headache
  4. flutter
  5. pale skin

5 Causes Of Anemia Or Etiology Of Anemia

  1. nutrition deficiency
  2. bleeding 
  3. chronic diseaase
  4. the inability of bone marrow produces blood cells
  5. melabsorption 


Pathophysiology Of Anemia

the incidence of anemia reflects the presence of bone marrow failure or loss of red blood cells in excess or for both. bone marrow failure can occur due to nutritional deficiencies, toxic pejanan, tumor invasion, or mostly due to unknown causes.

red blood cells can be lost through bleeding or haemolysis (destruction), sometimes many cases anemia occurs due to the effects of red blood cells that do not comply with normal red blood cell resistance or due to some factors outside red blood cells causes the destruction of red blood cells.

anemia is a disease of the blood that is less marked with low levels of hemoglobin (Hb) and red blood cells (erythrocyte). red blood function is brings oxygen and nourishment to all the organs of the body. if supply is less, then the intake of oxygen will also reduced. as a result can inhibit vital organs, one of them is the brain.

the brain consists of 2.5 billion cell bioneuron. if capacity is lacking, then the brain would be like a computer memory is weak, slow catch, and if damaged, it can't be fixed anymore.

6 Complication Of Anemia

  1. heart failure
  2. seizures
  3. cardiomegaly
  4. gastritis
  5. genoturia infection
  6. paralysis

4 Examination Of Diagnosis

  1. level of porphyrins free erythrocytes
  2. serum iron concentration
  3. saturation transperin
  4. serum ferritin concentration

4 Medical Treatment

  1. vitamin B12
  2. blood transfusion
  3. folamil
  4. ranitidine 

4 Nursing Managements

  1. give iron supplements
  2. anemia sufferers dier review
  3. give referrals to nutritionists
  4. complete blood count

Anatomy Physiology Of Blood Cells

a. The Erythrocytes (red blood cells)

erythrocytes not nucleated, contain hemoglobin (hem in compounds containing proteins and globin which has power belt against O₂ and CO₂) form biconcave, is created in the red marrow flat bones are formed in the liver in infants.

in 1 mm³ contained ±5 million erythrocytes (in males) and ±4 million erythrocytes (in women). after the old, the red blood cells will be overhauled by the heart and foundation of the substance the color of bile (bilirubin).

b. Hemoglobin

hemoglobin is the red figment that carries oxygen in red blood cells, is protein which has a molecular weight of 64,450.

c. Leukocytes 

leukocytes is a granular cells : eosinophil, basophils, and neutrophils and leukocytes is not granular cells : lymphocytes T and B lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, B lymphocytes circulating in the blood, while there is A, then B lymphocytes antigens will bind to the antigen (antigen-antibodies Rx).

d. T Lymphocytes 

T Lymphocytes immature migrated toward the thymus, circulating in the blood once cooked, if met antigen, lymphocytes T will produce chemical substances that fight micro organism pathogens and stimulate other leukocytes.

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