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Pneumonia - Signs, symptoms, Pathophysiology, Complications, Causes Of Pneumonia


Pneumonia Definition - Pneumonia is inflammation or infection of the lung parenkim, infection is an inflammation of the lung caused by various causes such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and foreign objects.

Picture Of Pneumonia - Signs, symptoms, Pathophysiology, Complications, Causes Of Pneumonia
Pneumonia is an inflammatory process where there is consolidation in the lung caused by filling the cavity the alveoli, become stunted and not functioning optimally. hypoxemia may occur, depending on the number of lung tissue.

9 Pneumonia Sign And Symptoms or Manifestation of Pneumonia

  1. shortness of breath
  2. cough phlegm so
  3. weak breath sound
  4. retraksi interkosta
  5. fever
  6. cynasis
  7. chills
  8. fatigue
  9. pulmonary consolidation

Causes Of Pneumonia Or Pneumonia Etiology

1. Bacterial

gram positive organisms that cause bacterial pneumonia is a pneumonia bacteria are streptococcus streptococcus aureus and the streptococcus pyogenes.

2. Virus 

viral pneumonia is the most common type of pneumonia, is caused by the influenza virus spreads through droplets transmission. cytomegalovirus which is the leading cause of viral pneumonia.

3. Fungi

infection caused by fungi such as histoplasmosis spread through inhalation of air containing spores and are usually found in bird droppings.

4. Protozoa

this usually happens in patients who experience such as immunosuppression in patients who undergone immunosuppression as in people with AIDS


infection is always preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection caused by the bacteria staphylococcus, haemophilus influenza or due to aspiration of food and beverages.

from the respiratory tract and then some of these germs get into the lower parts of the tract respiratory and lead to the occurrence of infectious germs at the venue, most lag goes into blood vessels and infect the respiratory tract to the image as a the following :

1. respiratory tract infections the bottom causing the 3 things, i.e. dilation of blood vessels, increased body temperature, and edema between capillaries and alveoli.

2. expansion of germs through the blood vessels and then entered into the tract digestion and infect led to in increase in the normal flora in the gut, gut experience due to increased peristaltic malabsorbsi and then there was the diarrhea risky against impaired balance of fluids and electrolytes.

11 Complications of Pneumonia

  1. pleural epusi
  2. hipoksemia
  3. chronic pneumonia
  4. bronkahasis
  5. systemic complications (meningitis)
  6. lung abscess
  7. empisema
  8. failing breath
  9. delirium
  10. dehydration
  11. multi lobular disease

4 Diagnostic examination of Pneumonia

  1. radiological examination : thoracic photos (PA/lateral) is the main checks to enforce the diagnosis
  2. laboratory examination : leukositosis generally marksthe presence of a bacerial infection
  3. examination be bacteriologically
  4. special examination : blood gas analysis is performed to assess the level of hypoxia and oxygen requirements

6 Classification of Pneumonia

  1. community pneumonia
  2. nosocimial pneumonia
  3. aspiration pneumonia
  4. pneumonia in immune disorders
  5. hypostatic pneumonia

Handling of Pneumonia

1. Antibiotics

antibiotics commonly used are penicillin  G, other effective-including erythromycin, clindamycin, and cephalosporin the first generation.

2. Kortikosteroid

given on the state of severe sepsis

3. Oxygen Therapy

ball weight given dyspnea oxygen, oxygen therapy is given with the purpose to achieve the PaO₂ 80-100 mmHg or 95-96% saturation based on examination of blood gas analysis.

4. Nebulizer

nebulizer is used to thin the phlegm is thick, nebulizer can be accompanied to awarding bronchodilator if there is bronchospasme.

5. Mechanical Ventilation

  • indication of intubasi and installation of the ventilator on pneumonia :
  • hipoksimea persistent through has been given 100% oxygen using a mask
  • failed the breath is marked by an increase in distress, with respiratory or come by acidosis respiratorik
  • respiratory arrest
  • retention of sputum that is hard to overcome conservatively 

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