Leprosy - What Is Leprosy And How Leprosy Symptoms Also Prevent Of Leprosy - Medical Info -->

Leprosy - What Is Leprosy And How Leprosy Symptoms Also Prevent Of Leprosy

Leprosy is that a disease that is still a scourge, because this disease can eliminate a portion of the member body of the sufferer. but, in fact, not only members of the body that now gone, but the predicament if flaring up in the dilemma of social, economic, cultural, security and national resilience. it needs to be asserted that, leprosy is not that is hereditary and is not even  curse from the power.

leprosy and what is leprosy and how leprosy treatment
leprosy symptoms and prevent

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to be able to recognize and avoid the disease of leprosy, as well as get to know the system prevents transmission of leprosy, so check out the following writings are complete.

What Is Leprosy?
leprosy i.e.chronic diseases are caused by germs that attack the skin and peripheral nerves. on lepers with the sorts of lepromatosa can strike the top component of the respiratory tract. the early beginnings of leprosy was marked by the appearance of white spots and side there are limits black white spots round it.

Those Who Are At Risk Of Leprosy Affected?
leprosy can strike anyone and in fact, men or women small, young or adult, as long as there is contained the germ causes leprosy, and such things are exposed to germs in great numbers as well as in the landscape for a ling time, leprosy us still spread evenly throughout all parts of the world. but this leprosy origin from Africa and Central Asia, Then spread to all the world with the existence of war, colonialism, transcontinental trade and the spread of religion. the incidence of leprosy is still more than 5/1000 inhabitants, and is generally found in a rural place with tropical and subtropical climates.

incubation period of leprosy from 9 months to 20 years with a mean of transmission that is 4 years old, one can void transmission of leprosy, if his body has the ability to draw up the immunity is right on target. transmission of leprosy, resting on some things, including the following.

The Element Of The Immune System Or Power In Hold A Person's Body
the element of the source if transmission. germs cause leprosy will infect others if lepers could not receive the treatment and not the medication on a regular basis.

elements of the germs of leprosy. leprosy germs can survive at low temperatures. unless it can live outside the human body for 1-9 days. although the germs of leprosy is derived from the secretions of the nose and dries up, but there is still a germ that could survive and be others infection.

Germs Cause Of Leprosy
guidelines and symptoms of leprosy, to avoid early to transmission of leprosy, so you should know what the sign and symptoms of leprosy, here's a more detailed explanation, namely, that it is early recognizable by regular people.

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Guidelines Sign of Leprosy Affected.
  • there are patches of thin like rash on most components of the body.
  • white patches will continue to grow, over time, increasingly old be widened and multiplied.
  • the onset of nerve widening ulnairs, medianus, aulicularis magnus and peroneus.
  • swear glands are experiencing a decline in work function, so tht skin becomes thin and shiny.
  • there are irregular reddish nodule (leproma and nodules) spread on the skin
  • eyebrow hair loss experience
  • the face underwent lump-bump, often referred to with the leomina facies (face of a lion)
Guidelines On Leprosy
a drug that is commonly applied to lepers sort of multibasiler is like clofasimine 600 and rifampin 300 mg  consumed once a month. for the treatment of a drink per day is dapsone (DDS) 100 mg. clofasimine 50 mg and rifamin 50 mg treatment of leprosy held for 12 months, treatment could be extended to the result of examination of the specimen's skin accentuating the negative, need to be carried out supervision to sufferers who are running to monitor the possibility of treatment side effects, response tropikum ulcer and leprosy. 

treatment in the Hospital just to handle the response. the surgery was carried out to correct abnormal and treatment of the which factor because injuries the an aesthetic on wounds.

Transmission Of Leprosy Prevention Efforts
leprosy that is one of the illnesses that can be immediately addressed and in barring. well here is a sugestion for preventing transmission of leprosy :
  • instantly run routinely since early treatment to lepers, that germs brought could no longer pass on others.
  • avoid or reduce physical contact with a long time span.
  • improving the hygiene and cleanliness of the environment
  • increase or maintain power and holds the body, with exercise and improve nutritional fulfillment.
  • no swapping shirt with the sufferer, as basil is also a germ on sweat glands.
Separate The Cutlery And Lepers
for lepers, try not spitting carelessly, for basil germs can still live some days in droplets
  • isolation on the lepers who have not received treatment, for the sufferer who has been receiving treatment.
  • do not transmit the disease to other people.
  • Implement vaccination BCG on Contacts The Same House With The Lepers 
  • implementing the guidance to the society regarding the mechanism of transmission of leprosy and the info about the availability of the drugs is right on target in the clinic.
for commoners, not to isolate sufferers of leprosy, it is basically the leprosy thing so contagious lepers but will also have the right to still consistently able to live community. in essence, the lepers who are already undergoing treatment, less likely to be able to transmit the disease.

the lepers in their typically experience decreased confidence and tend to withdraw from the social environment. we recommend that the community can support the lepers to consistently have the courage and confidence to live normally. one of the format concern a category of society to the lepers, therefore established a special ghetto lepers.

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