4 Tips For Keeping Your Heart In Health Good And The Fact Of Heart - Medical Info -->

4 Tips For Keeping Your Heart In Health Good And The Fact Of Heart

Fact About The Heart
The heart is the pump, why pump said  magic? because the heart an organ which is small, about as big as your first, to the heart of your lives depend, is one of natural wonders of the incident.

heart and fact of heart

Pulse regularly distribute five or six liters of blood going around your body every minute, within 24 hours of receiving your heart and doing pump approximately 10,000 liters of blood, in the process of this small engine, pumping the equivalent of 1/70 horsepower use within one day enough energy to throw the one person who has the weigh of the body 150 pounds as tall as the Empire State Building (the la tallest building in New York City) - approximately 10 tons of blood through the heart every 24 hours.

if you hear your heart rate with a stethoscope, you hear one very short pulses are rhythmic, that is the sound of your own life, when the blood flows from the heart Chambers, valves a small pump that can not be exemplified, that throbbing 100,000 times per day, causing the blood always flows through the blood vessels of your 24 hours a day with never stop.

within 70 years that your heart is beating no less than 2.5 billion times, with never stopped once did for improvements or repairs, even you can't compare your heart with one continuous movement of the most perfect, one moved to the job of a lifetime of pumping, the heart just stops between very short pulses until the heart stopped forever.

so if you keep your heart, then the heart would be very instrumental to our lives, the heart will beat two and a half milliard times at age 70 years or older, but very sorry, modern people no longer pay attention to their own heart and regardless of their necessity will be a healthy heart and good.
too often people neglect the functionality and benefits of the heart, then it is no wonder if many people died due to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, therefore, below are some tips to keep your heart in good condition and healthy.
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4 Tips For Keeping Your Heart In Good Health And Good
1. Don't Rush
for what always run! if you walk fast, eat fast, talk fast and always had to work very quickly, it's the same with you giving a very hard pressure on your heart.

2. Must Maintain A Balanced Diet
Don't let your body too fat, your doctor can tell the dangers of obesity, because each pound of fat you add on your body is very dangers, because your heart has to pump the blood through the blood vessels that one chapter or more its length is sufficient for the blood to that extra fat.

if your weigh more than 50 pounds, remember! your poor heart will be pumping blood through 50 chapter blood vessels in addition, so if you're the food recommended by your doctor, you have to reduce the maximum weight you no more of two pounds per week.

3. Avoid Anxiety
people are always anxious to become a candidate for heart pain sufferers who are bad, all the difficulties of life that small tomorrows in present day it surely adding additional pressure to the small blood vessels and thus will increase and make their blood pressure is high.

4. Don't Work Too Hard
fatigue can always kill you, then avoid to play golf 18 holes so you died at the age of 50 years, just because you don't want to admit that your the ability of only 9 hole, don't be a among those who always compete for 24 hours, which is a never ending job for him, and one day they fall in forced to stop.

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