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How To Fix The Problem After Giving Birth

The process pregnant and the process of giving birth to a baby that we are wait, and certainly it is the memories that are never forgotten, for nine in pregnancy , in general the attention pf prospective mother or would be father on nutrition of the mother so that the fetus is born healthy and perfectly.

how to fix the problem after giving birth
problem's after give birth

whereas, the port-war period brought forth no less important, right now, the mother is facing a variety of risk that could potentially interfere with the conditions of physical, mental and social, there are an awful lot of risk the post-birth escaped the attention of today's society, whereas with have knowledge early on, the impact of these risk can be reduce so that the mother can live day to day post birth with more comfort and to avoid the risk of long term.

The Risk Of Around Mouth Vagina And Incontinent After Giving Birth
one of the risk that experienced post-birth mother is vaginal prolapse of the uterus to expel most of the or mouth vagina, also urinary incontinence, is the occurrence of a number of secretion of urine when coughing, when sneezing, it was caused by the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic wall prop up of the uterus and bladder, due to the pressure of the fetus during pregnancy.

when not anticipated since the beginning, these risks can give long-term impact that reduce the quality of life of women.

Skin Problems After Giving Birth
other risks of post-birth which also often required by the expectant mother is the change in appearance of the skin, skin of the face or other parts of the body skin, skin problems encountered is quite varied, ranging from acne, stretchmarks, spots of hyper pigmentation (kloasma gravidarum), hair loss, until the onset of scar or scars, especially post Caesar an section.

without the correct handling of a wide range of skin problems will be able to disrupt the confidence of women, could even be risk against house hold harmony, especially when post-operative scars protruding shape accompanied of feel itching or pain, the effect could be to interfere with the comfort of sex, so sexual life couples post-birth can be interrupted.

How To Reduce The Risk Of Post Pregnancy
a number of post pregnancy risk can be avoided is not total, in the general can be reduced, vaginal prolapse and urinary incontinence i.e, the risk can be reduced by regular Hegel by regular kegel exercise during and after pregnancy, therapy and prevention for the vaginal prolapse can also be given in conservative and operative.

technology of treatment of prolapse are operative now not lot invasive first laparoscopic where technology and robotic surgery can accelerate recovery and replay the pain, even with this, robotic technology vaginal prolapse can be treated in a quite short, ranging between 2 days patients had could return home.

the surgery risk in the form of a wide incision for this to be a constraint can also be addressed with laparoscopy or robotic surgery is because generally the procedure with minimal incisions.

on the other hand, the skin problem like stretchmarks can be prevented by given skin required moisture early in the early period of pregnancy, acne during pregnancy can be a desirable so as not to leave scars with the use of glycolic acid regularly, dark blotches on the skin during pregnancy can be reduced by prevent exposure to excessive sunlight, among others, wear sunscreen.

hair loss frequently occurs after pregnancy can be anticipated with caring for the scalp hair since the first trimester of pregnancy.

scars can be minimised its appearance with the use of topical gel proven clinically on scar on a regular basis, so the area of the wound getting hydration so wound areas get proper hydration to recover again.

beside physical problems and appearance that can be promoted to the psychic and social, there are more physical as well as psychic problems post-birth need to be wary of as postpartum depression or depression post-birth, when experiencing symptoms of prolonged depression, don't hesitate to get help a psychiatrist.

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