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Lips Embroidery And This Fact From Lips Embroidery According To Medical

Lips Embroidery
in ancient times, women of African and Middle Eastern women often make their lips look thinner or thicker look using a needle and ink red or brown ink. technically, this is also done on lip for embroidery.

lips embroidery and eyebrow embroidery
lip embroidery

Compared to plastic surgery is expensive, painful and scary, now many lips done for embroidery women to get the shape and colour of the lips is more ideal.

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lip embroidery aims to cover imperfections in the lips and restore it, not only is intended for women who are not satisfied with her beauty, lip embroidery also became an option for those who have cancer of the mouth and depigmentation due to chemotherapy or due to exposure to sunlight

because it is practical, for embroidery lips utilised by women who experience impaired vision or other disabilities so hard to used lipstick perfectly.

the process of stitching is the process the same as eyebrow embroidery, it just requires some time stitching is, this is because the lips a large blood supply, thus affecting the process of colouring up completely in the desired colour can generally evenly.

in general, the intensity of the colours of lips will fade 40-70% after the first application, the colour will be increasingly evident in the deployment to two or three if necessary.

Lip Embroidery According To Medical Facts
to get optimal results, the stitching is the lips should be done by experts. pigments must implanted at the right depth, not too deep and not to shallow. a healthy lips and lips colour that is selected will also affect the final result of the lips for embroidery. in the first few weeks, the lips will look even more pale, this is because the pigment outside will disappear.

but after wards, the original colour will begin to appear, along with the healing process and exfoliate the dead. lip embroidery can usually last for 2 to 5 years.

Lip Embroidery Price Determine Quality And Results
to get optimal results, embroidery cannot be done with a rush, usually be a complaint post lip embroidery or eyebrow embroidery is a colour that is not in accordance with what you want. for that colour selection and consultation before the procedure is done is very important, especially in 2 weeks the original colour will be visible.

another issue is sometimes the eyebrows or lips do not "move" perfectly or with flexible along with facial expression, so it looks strange. people who want to do eyebrow embroidery or lips embroidery are advised to try a useful to experiment to find the shape of the eyebrows or lips that fit.

as long as it is also recommended to try some facial expression before the stitching is lips done, not why you look chatty before the lip, the stitching is done because it's better than you regret later on, moreover, the result for embroidery are semi permanent and new can be removed quickly when using a laser.

we recommend that, before you perform the procedure a patient eyebrows embroidery or lips embroidery, she must know this action will be made by who? surely it must be by people who are experts and available already. usually expert embroidery has got the certificate of special training and not to contracting the disease, infections or have unsatisfactory result.

it is generally safe, provided that embroidery is done with the right way and use a tool which is really sterile. to as sure that the syringes were not used repeatedly, usually a needle will be removed from the packaging before the patient to indication that the syringe completely sterile, it is recommended not to be seduced by someone who offers the procedure lips embroidery or eyebrows embroidery the lip with a price that is not normal.

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