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Cirrhosis - The Signs, Complication And Cirrhosis Symptoms

Cirrhosis Definition
Hepatitis Cirrhosis is liver disease characterized by the presence of chronic urban formation of connective tissue accompanied by nodules. usually begins with the process of necrosis and inflammation of liver cells, connective tissue formation and regeneration of nodules. liver architecture distortion will cause the change of micro and macro circulation became disorganized due to addition of connective tissue and nodules.

cirrhosis, the signs, complication and cirrhosis symptoms

Anatomy Physiology

  • Various Ligaments :
  • ligamentum teres hepatis
  • gastrohepatic ligament
  • anterior cruciate ligament coronaria ki-ka
  • triangular ligament ki-ka

Liver Function :

  • as vitamin metabolism
  • as carbohydrate metabolism
  • as the fat metabolism
  • as protein metabolism
  • with respect to blood clotting
  • as detoksifikasi
  • as a fotosintesis of immunity
  • as the haemodynamic

The Etiology Of Cirrhosis
Cause of cirrhosis of hepatitis are :

  • hepatitis viruses B and C
  • alcohol
  • metabolic : DM
  • kolestasis chronicle
  • of toxic medicines : INH
  • malnutrition

consumption of alcoholic beverages is considered the primary cause factor, the highest being cirrhosis in alcoholic drinkers, although the definition of nutrients with decreased protein intake niece cause damage to liver cirrhosis, but intake of alcohol the main cause is excessive on the fatty of the liver and the consequences thereof.

however, cirrhosis also occurs in individuals who do not have habit of drinking and in individuals with normal diet but with high alcohol consumption.

Clinical Manifestation Of Cirrhosis
clinical manifestation of cirrhosis is divided into two phases, namely :
1. perfect phase compensation

  • the patient did not feel fit
  • anorexia
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • muscle waekness
  •  weight decreased
  • a quick feel tired

2. the phase of decompensation

  • Erythema palmaris
  • spider nevi
  • venous collateral on the abdominal wall
  • jaundice
  • pretrial edema 
  • asites
  • disease of blood clotting such as bleeding gums
  • hematemesis melena
  • hepatic ensefalopati

Examination Of Supporting Cirrhosis

  • laboratory examination
  • radiology
  • esofagoskopi
  • ultrasonografi
  • sidikan heart
  • tomography computerized
  • angiography

Complications Of Cirrhosis

  1. edema and ascites
  2. spontan ecterous bacterial peritonitis (BSP)
  3. bleeding from esophageal varices (esophageal varices)
  4. hepatitis encephalopathy
  5. hepatorenal syndrome
  6. hypersplenism
  7. liver cancer

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