Therapeutic Communication In Nursing, Phase, A Type Of Therapeutic Communication And Barriers - Medical Info -->

Therapeutic Communication In Nursing, Phase, A Type Of Therapeutic Communication And Barriers

The Definition Of Therapeutic Communication
Therapeutic Communication is a shared experience between the nurse and the client or patient, aiming to solve the problem of the client affect the behavior of the client, the nurse and the client relationship therapeutic is a learning experience together, experience using a variety of communication techniques so that the patient's behavior changed towards positive and be optimal possible. and to carry out effective therapeutic communication, nurses must have sufficient skills and understand about him. Please Read The Position Of Anatomy And Physiology In Nursing

therapeutic communication in nursing, phase, a type of therapeutic communication
therapeutic communication in nursing

4 Therapeutic Communication Phase

  1. Preparation Phase (pre interaction)
  2. Introductory stage
  3. Stage Work
  4. Termination Phase

16 Kind Of Therapeutic Communication Techniques
1. Listen Attentively

  • the client's point of view when you're talking
  • maintain eye contact exude desire to listen to
  • posture shows attention with no legs or hand
  • avoid unnecessary movement
  • say yess if clients talk about important things or need feedback

2. Ask Question Pertaining To
3. Repeat The Speech Client Using Own Words
4. Clarification
5. Focus
6. Deliver The Result Observation
7. Offer Information
8. Silent
9. Summarize
10. The Rewards
11. Volunteered
12. Gives the opportunity to the client to start the communication
13. Suggest to continue talks
14. Put events on a regular basis will help the nurse and the client to view it in a perspective
15. Advise client to outline his perception
16. Reflection

The Role Of The Doctor In The Treatment
the doctor responsible for diagnosis and therapy, the medication should be ordered by writing a prescription.

The Role Of The Pharmacist In The Treatment
pharmacists are officially responsible for the supply and distribution of drugs in addition to that the pharmacist is responsible for the creation of a large number of antiseptic solution such as pharmaceutical products and more.

The Role Of Nurses
because the drug can heal or harm patients, the drug then became one of the duties of the nurse.

6 Principle In Administering Drugs

  1. right patient
  2. right drug
  3. correct dosage
  4. true way or rate
  5. correct time
  6. correct documentation

3 Barriers To Therapeutic Therapy
1. Resistant
is resistant is an effort to keep clients don't realize aspects of the causes of ansietas hers

2. Transferens
the response was not aware where the client experience the feeling and attitude towards nurses who are basically related to the character in his life in the past.

3. Kontertransperens
therapeutic needs is made by nurses rather than by the client.

4The Benefits Of Therapeutic Communication

  1. to foster and encourage collaboration between nurse and client
  2. identifying, exposing feelings, examine the problem and evaluate actions taken nurses
  3. provide understanding behavior, help patients overcome problems faced
  4. preventing negative actions against the defense

Therapeutic Communication Function
therapeutic communication function is to foster and encourage collaboration between nurses and patients through nurse fan relationship patients, nurse tried to reveal the feelings, identify and examine the problems and evaluate actions done in treatment.

help the patient to explain and reduce the burden of feeling and behavior as well as be able to take effective action for patients, helping to influence others, physical environment and yourself, the quality of nursing care given to clients are strongly influenced by the quality of the relationship the nurse and the client.

Conclusion Of Therapeutic Communication
therapeutic communication is very important for nurse applied, due to the ability to apply techniques of therapeutic communication requires exercise and sensitivity and sharpness of feelings and communication success seen through therapeutic impact for client and satisfaction for nurses, as well as communication will also provide therapeutic impact when in its usage not therapeutic communication techniques and attitude in providing treatment.

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