Anxious - Anxious Definition And Anxious Symptoms - Medical Info -->

Anxious - Anxious Definition And Anxious Symptoms


Anxious Definition - anxious is a emotional reaction against the assessment of the stimulus. this state is usually a subjective individual experiences, which are not specifically known to cause, anxious different with fear. anxious can be a source of strength and energy could generate a destructive or constructive action.

Gambar Anxious - Anxious Definition And Anxious Symptoms

5 Anxious Response Range or Anxious

the range of individual responses against fluctuating between anxietas adaptive and maladaptive response. among them are :

  1. the anticipation
  2. light
  3. is being
  4. the pressure of the
  5. panic

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4 Anxious Level

some theories split anxietas into four levels in accordance with the range of response anxious or anxiety response. among them are :

1. Anxious Light or Mild Anxiety

anxietas a light touch with the tension of daily life will, at this rate increased and individual perception of airy will be cautions and alert. individuals at this level are encouraged to learn and will generate growth and creativity.

2. Anxious is Being

at the level of this, airy perception of the environment decrease, the individual to focus on more important things at the moment and rule out other things.

3. Anxietas Level

on the anxious level, airy perception became very decline, individuals tend to think of things that are very small only and ignore the other. individuals not able to think the level again and need a lot of direction.

4. Panic Anxious

at this level, individuals are not able to control herself anymore and can't do anything anymore even though it's been given a briefing.

Predisposing factors Anxious

according to Sigmund Freud, the personality structure consists of three element, namely : the Id, the ego and the superego. the Id instinctual impulses and symbolizes and primitive impulses.

the superego reflects one's conscience and is controlled by a person's cultural norms, while the ego is depicted as a mediator between the demands of the Id and the superego, ego which have function warned about the danger that something needs be addressed.

Anxious occurs from fear of interpersonal rejection. it is also linked with periods of growth, such as the trauma of loss, separation that causes someone to become powerless. individuals who have low self esteem are typically very easy to experience a heavy anxious.

anxious is the result of frustration of everything that interferes with a person's ability to achieve the desired goals. nutrition experts consider anxious is an impetus that is studied based on the desire to avoid pain. the theory holds that the individual at the beginning of his life is exposed to excessive fear will show the possibility of heavy anxious on life in his adult life.

2. Factors Of Precipitation

the precipitation factors anxious can be in classification into two types namely :
1. Threats to the integrity of biologic- a threat to basic human needs, such as the need to eat, drink and stay this is a common cause of anxietas factors or anxious.

2. Threat to security - classified this is difficult, because the man i unique, self-security threats include :
not achieve expectations
no need for achievement of a status
guilt or contradiction between belief and behavior
unable to get the appreciation from others.

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