Pertussis Definition - Symptoms Pertussis, Pathophysiology, Complication And Cause Of Pertussis - Medical Info -->

Pertussis Definition - Symptoms Pertussis, Pathophysiology, Complication And Cause Of Pertussis


Pertussis Definition - Pertussis is acute infectious disease in the respiratory tract that is very infectious with marked by a syndrome which consists of spasmodic cough that is accompanied by paroksismal and its tone.

Gambar Pertussis Definition - Symptoms Pertussis, Pathophysiology, Complication And Cause Of Pertussis

Causes Of Pertussis Or Pertussis Etiology

Pertussis usually caused such as :
bordetella pertussis (pertussis haemophilus) which is a similar disease has been associated with infection by bordetella bronchiseptica, Pertussis B the and viruses. as for the characteristics are as follows :

9 Characteristics Of The Organism Bordetella Pertussis B

  1. rod-shaped (coccobacillus)
  2. can not move
  3. are gram negative
  4. not have spora
  5. have capsules
  6. dead at a temperature of 55⁰ Fahrenheit during the 1/2 hours and hold at low temperature (0⁰ to 10⁰)
  7. toluidine blue colouring, can be seen in bipolar metakromatik granule
  8. not sensitive to tetracycline, ampicillin, eritromisin, but resistant to penicillin
  9. produce two kinds of toxins : toxin can't stand the heat (heat labile toxin), endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide).

Pathophysiology Pertussis

inflammation of the mucous lining of channels occur in the breath and the microorganisms will only breed if there is congestion and infiltration of mucosa associated with ciliated and produce toxins such as endoktosin, pertusinogen, heat labile toxin antiphagocytic, capsule, and by limfosit, and leukocytes, for polimorfonuklear as well as stockpiling debrit inflammation in the bronchial lumen.

at the beginning of the disease, lymphoid hyperplasia occurs penbronklas compiled with the necrosis on the middle layer of bronchi, but bronkopneumonia following necrosis and exfoliate the surface epithelium bronchial obstruction, bronchus and atelaktasis occur the result of the stockpiling of mucus. finally happened bronkiektasis are settled.

Pertussis Transmission Method

the disease can be transmitted to others through sufferers splash-slashing saliva sufferers pertussis at time of cough or sneezing, can also be through a handkerchief, towels and cutlery which are varnished with the germs of the disease. without treatment, people do suffer from pertussis can spread it to others for 3 weeks after the coughing starts.

Signs And Symptoms Of Pertussis 

incubation period ; 7-14 days, the disease lasts a week or more and 6-8 takes place in 3 stages :

1. the Kataralis Stadium or Prodromal Stadium or Stadium Paroksismal

a. length of approximately 1-2 weeks

b. the symptoms beginning i.e channel respiratory infection symptoms section above, that the incidence of rinore with the clear mucus :
  • the redness of the conjunctiva, lakrimasi
  • cough and mild heat
  • anorexia congestion nasalis

c. at this stage the germs are most easily in isolation

d. during this period of the disease is difficult to distinguish with the common cold.

e. cough arising initially occurs at night, during the day become more and more excellent, much of the secret and becomes thick and sticky.

2. Stadium Paroksismal or Stadium Spasmodic

a. length of 2-4 of the week.

b, during this stage the cough be great with marked by whoop ( a loud cough that sounds) is often heard at the time the sufferer draw breath at the end of attack of coughing. ough is often about 5-10 times, during the cough then it is not able to breathe properly, usually at the end of the coughing attacks, would draw breath quickly and deeply, so whoop sound and ending with vomiting.

c. this cough can last continuously, for a few months without any active infection and can become more severe.

d. during the attack occurs, the face becomes red, cyanosis, eyes bulging, tongue looks extendable, lakrimasi, neck vein dilation and salivas.

e. cough is easily raised by such emotional stress tears and physical activity.

3. Stadium Komvaresens

the occurrence in week 4 to 6 weeks after initial symptoms
the symptoms appear, among others, are :
  • coughing is reduced
  • appetite arises again
  • vomiting is reduced
  • body feel better
  • in some sufferers, cough occurred many moths.

7. Complications Of Pertussis

a. bronchopneumonia was pneumonia which one or more lobes of the lung characterized by the presence of infiltration spots that are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and other.

b. otitis media or inflammation of the cavity of the eardrum

c. bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi

d. atelectasis is wrinkled some or all of the lung due to a blockage of the airway

e. emphysema pulmonum

f. bronkiektasis

g. pulmonary alveoli collapse

5 Ways To Cope With Pertussis

  1. supportive therapy can be carried out
  2. create a quiet environment
  3. the giving of food, avoid foods that are hard to be swallowed, it is better to eat foods that are liquid, when vomiting was given fluids and electrolytes in parental
  4. cleansing breath
  5. oxygen

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