Epilepsy - Signs Symptoms Pathophysiology And Causes Of Epilepsy
Epilepsy Definition - Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain with onset of symptoms which come in attacks, repeatedly causes by abnormal electrical charge off, the brain's nerve cells, which are reversible with different etiology. the attack is a symptoms that the incidence suddenly and disappears suddenly. Please Read Tick Or Seizure Customs On Children And How To Treat Tick Or Seizures
Epilepsy is a complex of many symptoms of impaired brain function which has been characterized by repeated seizure, and this situation can be attributed to excessive movement, loss of consciousness or loss of muscle tone or movement and disorder in effect, natural feeling, sensation, perception, so epilepsy is a disease of several chronicles and have reversible behavior.
9 Sign And Symptoms Of Epilepsy
- seizure
- impaired consciousness
- sensing disruption
- breath visible seams
- heart punding
- pale
- excess sweating
- black eyeball swirling
- out of the foam from the mouth.
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9 The Causes Of Epilepsy or Epilepsy Etiology
- idiopathic
- hereditary factors
- genetic factors
- abnormalities of brain conginetal
- metabolic disorders
- infection
- trauma
- excess blood vessels
- poisoning
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Pathophysiology Of Epilepsy
in general the epilepsy occurs because the decrease in membrane potential of nerve cells due to patologik processes in the brain, the mechanical style or toxic, which subsequently causes a lost the electric charge of the nerve cells.
some investigation shows the role of asetilkolin as a substance that membrane potential downgrading post synaptic be lost in terms of electric charge occur. one time just so manifestasi its clinical ever showed up at any time.
when the asetilkolin is enough, but on the surface of the brain, then release the electric charge cortical nerve cells facilitated.
asetilkolin produced by nerve cells Kolinergik and seeped out from the surface of the brain. on the consciousness of wary more asetilkolin that seeps out from the surface. of the brain than during sleep on jejas brain asetilkolin more than in the healthy brain.
on the tumor cerebri or the presence of local sikatris on the surface of the brain as a sequelae of meningitis, encephalitis, contusions, birth trauma or selebri, local hoarding can occur from asetilkolin. therefore, on that place will happen the release of electric charge of nerve cells.
hoarding asetilkolin local, must reach a certain concentration to be degrading potential membrane so off the electrical charge may occur. this is an mekanisme focal epilepsy that usually is symptomatic.
in idiopathic epilepsy, type grand mal, was released by the electric charge primary nuclei intralalaminares talami, known also as the core centre pelapik. this is the core of the path terminal asendens a spesifik asendens extra lemsnikal or track.
input from afferent pathways through serebri kortek a spesifik that determines the degree of consciousness, when absolutely no input then there is comma. at grand mal, since the cause is uncertain, it came off an electric charge from the intralaminar nuclei telamik in excess.
thalamocortical the excess excitation produces spasms throughout the body and at the same time blocking the nerve cells that nourish the awareness of afferent impulses received from the outside world so that awareness be lost.
the results showed that part of the substantia reticularis the rostral of mesensefalon who cam do the blockade for a moment against the intralaminar nucleus of anti talamik, so that the consciousness is lost for a moment without a seizure on the muscles skeletal, known as petit mal.
4 Examination Of Supporting Epilepsy
1. EEG : to ensure the diagnosis of epilepsy
2. Photo : plain to detected fracture
3. CT-scan : to detect the presence of hematoma
4. Laboratory : to ensure there is a system disorder
3 Medical Action For Epilepsy
1. anti konvulsan
2. the first treatment :
- karbamazepin
- phenytoin
3. the treatment of both :
- gabapentin
- lamotrigine
- fenobarbital
- primidone
- tiagabine
- topiramate
- falproot acid
3 Complications Of Epilepsy
- aspiration
- aspiksia
- mental retardasi
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