Coronary Artery Disease - Incidence, Pathophysiology, Risk And Incidence Of Coronary Artery Disease - Medical Info -->

Coronary Artery Disease - Incidence, Pathophysiology, Risk And Incidence Of Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease Definition - Coronary artery disease (heart diseases atheros trofik) is a manifestation of the special and atherosclerosis on coronary artery. plaque formed in the the arteries branching towards the left arterion branching towards the left arterion, right coronary artery and a little sparse on the arteries circumflex. read the fact about heart and 4 way of keeping the heart healthy and strong.

Gambar Coronary Artery Disease - Incidence, Pathophysiology, Risk And Incidence Of Coronary Artery Disease

blood flow to thes distal may experience temporary or permanent obstruction caused by the accumulation of plaque or clumping. developing collateral circulation around the obstruction arteromasus that inhibit the exchange of gases and nutrients to the myocardium.

failure to provide collateral circulation of oxygen supply to the cells adekuat which resulted in the occurrence of coronary artery disease, impaired blood flow because the obstruction is not permanent (angina pectoris angina and preinfarct) and permanent (obstruction myocard infarct).

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Risk And Incidence of Coronary Artery

coronary artery disease is the most common health problem and are the leading cause of death in the USA. although epidemiological data indicate changes in the risks and the mortality rate of this disease remains a challenge for health workers to conduct prevention efforts and handling. ischaemic heart disease many experienced by individuals aged 40-70 years of age with a mortality rate of 20%

3 Factors Cause of Coronary Artery Disease

1. The Nature Of the Personal Aterogenik

the nature of aterogenik includes the blood lipids, blood pressure and diabetes mellitus, these factors together plays a major role in determining the speed of the artero-genesis.

2. Living Habits or Environmental Factors Are Not Specified At Will

lifestyle and mempredispsisi individuals to coronary heart disease in a diet too rich in calories, saturated fat, cholesterol, salt as well as by physical torpor, addition weight completely, smoking of cigarettes and over consumption alcohol.

3. Other Monor Risk Factors

because of the risk factors assigned lately not looking, describing the overall difference in death due to coronary artery disease. then there is suspicion there is a major risk factor not knowing as right there. a variety of factors and risks that exist among other oral contraceptives, harmony hopses, age and gender.

The Pathophysiology Of Coronary Artery Disease

coronary artery disease and myocardial infarct ischemic myocardium of response is caused by narrowing of the arteries coronaria permanently or not permanent. oxygen is needed by cells to aerobic metabolism, stranded DNA genome which adenosine triphosphate are exempt for the energy of the heart at rest requires 70% oxygen.

the abundance of oxygen required for the work of the heart known as Myocardial Oxygen Consumption (MV02), expressed by the acceleration of the heart, the contraction of myocardial and pressure on the walls of the heart.

a normal heart can easily adapt to increased demand for oxygen pressure by adding acceleration and contractions to suppress blood volume to the boundary bulkhead of the heart. at the heart of that experience the obstruction of blood flow, myocardial blood supply can not be sufficient against the demands of rebellion tool place.

the state of existence of the lethal obstruction as well as some can cuase anoksia and a condition resembling aerobic glycosis strives to meet the needs of oxygen.

a build-up of the left ventricle causes a decrease in stroke volume, reduction in cardiac out put, the increase of the left ventricle at the moment the pressure end of diastole and insistence on arterial pressure pulmonalis and signs of heart failure.

continuation and ischemia depends on the coronary artery obstruction (permanent or temporary), location and size. the three manifestations of ischemia myocardial is angina pectoris, narrowing of the arteries while coronarius preinfarction, angina, and myocardial infark or permanent obstruction in coronary arteries.

Causes Of Hypertension Increases The Risk Of Coronary Artery Disease

when most of the reading pressure diastole remains at or above 90 mmHg after 6-12 months without drugs therapy, then the person is considered to be an additional risk for hypertension and coronary heart disease.

simply put is said to increase blood pressure speeds up atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis so vascular occlusion and rupture occurred approximately 20 years sooner then those with normotensi.

some mechanism involved in the process of increase in blood pressure resulting in a change in the structure of the blood vessels, but that results in a change in the structure of the blood vessels, but the pressure in some way directly involved. as a result, higher blood pressure, the greater the number of vascular damage.

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