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Pleural Effusion - Sign Symptoms, Etiology, Pathophysiology And Complication Of Pleural Effusion

Pleural Effusion

Pleural effusion Definition - pleural effusion is the buildup of fluid in the pleural space, the primary disease process is rare but usually occurs secondary to another disease. effusion can be clear fluid, which may be a transudate, exudate, or it can be blood or pus.

Picture Pleural Effusion - Sign Symptoms, Etiology, Pathophysiology And Complication Of Pleural Effusion

Pleural effusion is the collection of fluid in the pleural space between the surface of the visceral and parietal, the primary disease process rarely happen, but is usually a secondary disease against other disease. normally, the pleural space contains small amounts of fluid (5-15 ml) serves as a lubricant that enables the surface of pleural moves without any friction, and pleural effusion is the term used for the fluid in the pleural cavity of hoarding.

Signs And Symptoms Of Pleural Effusion

1. shortness of breath
2. fever
3. chills
4. chest pain
5. found garland triangle
6. ellis damoiseau line

4 Causes Of Pleural Effusion or Etiology Of Pleural Effusion

1. reabsorption of fluid resistance of pleural cavity
2. formation of caran overload
3. the decline in osmotic pressure of the blood of colloid
4. the presence of inflamasi or Pleural antineoplastic activities.

Pathophysiology Of Pleural Effusion

in the Pleural cavity there are approximately 5 ml of liquid is enough to wet the entire surface of the parietal pleural and pleural visceralis. this fluid is produced by the parietal pleura due to capillary hydrostatic pressure, pressure of elastic colloid and appeal.

a portion of the liquid is absorbed by the capillaries of the lung and pleural visceralis, some other minor (10-20%) flowed into the lymph vessels so that the liquid reaches here pasase 1 liter per day.

inhibit fluid in the cavity is called pleural effusion, this occurs when the balance between production and absorption is compromised, for example on hipertermia due to inflamasi, changes in osmotic pressure (hipoalbuminemia), an increased venous pressure (failed the heart). on the basis of the occurrence of pleural effusion can be distinguished over transudate and pleural exudate.

transudat for example occurs in heart failure due to dam the veins increase in hydrostatic pressure is accompanied, and hepatic cirrhosis due to colloidal osmotic pressure decreases.

exudate may be caused among other things by violence and an infection of the fluid comes out directly from the capillaries so rich in protein and weight of its kind, this fluid also contains many white blood cells. otherwise the low protein levels transudate all or none so its weight low.

4 Complications Of Pleural Effusion

1. fibrotoraks
2. atelaktasis
3. pulmonary fibrosis
4. lung collapse

3 Diagnostic Examination Of Pleural Effusion

1. radiologic inspection (x-rays of the chest
2. ultrasound
3. pleural biopsy

5 Medical Treatment Pleural Effusion

1. infected effusion spending wear intubasi pipe through sidelines of ribs
2. pleurodesis
3. water seal drainage (WSD)
4. antibiotic
5. thoracentesis

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