12 The Diuretic Drugs And The Working Mechanism Of A Diuretic
12 The Diuretic Drugs And The Working Mechanism Of A Diuretic
Definition Of Diuretic - Diuretic is a drug- a drug that can reproduce urinary spending (diuresis) due to efficacy directly on the kidneys. most diuretic works by reducing the sodium to absorbed, so their spend through the enlarged urinary drain, also reproduced diuretic drugs work specially against the tubuli, but different places, namely :
1. Proximal Tubule
this places more or less 70% of ultrafiltrasi actively reabsorbed, among others : glucose, ureum, ions Na+ and CL- Osmotic diuretics (sorbitol, mannitol, glycerol) this placeworks by reducing the reabsorption of sodium and water.
2. Curved Henle (loop on Henle's)
disegmen is approximately 20% of Cl ions are actively transported into the cell tubule passively follow by ion Na+ but without water, so that filtration becomes hypotonic. curved Henle diuretic (furosemide, bumetanide, and etakrinat) this place works mainly with blocking Cl-ion trans-for.
3. The Front Part Of The Distal Tubule
tip top Henle's loop located in kortex, Na+ is reabsorbed actively without withdrawal of water, so that it becomes more liquid and the filtrate hypotonic. saluretic (thiazide substances, mefruside, and klopamida) this place work with interrupt reabsorbsi Na and Cl.
4. The Back Distal Tubule
here Na disepap back in active and ongoing exchange ino K, H, and NH4. this process is controlled by hormones kidney aldosterone children. potassium saver substances (spironolakton, triamterene, and amiloride) work with respect to this by reducing the conversion of Na and K, thus resulting in the retention of potassium.
4 The Use Of Diuretic Medications
diuretic are used in all circumstances where desired more water expenditures, namely on the State :
1. Udema : there is excess fluid in the tissues, such as heart decompensation after myocardial where imperfect blood circulation and fluid build-up occurs in the lungs, or in the abdomen (ascites) edema where liquids stacked in the stomach space, as well as on kidney disease.
2. hypertension : namely to reduce blood volume in order to decrease blood pressure, diuretic also can amplify the effects of hypertension medications are then combined on a cure hypertension.
3. Diabetes Insipidus (excessive urination without sugar) : where are paradoxical diuretic thus reducing polyurea.
4. Kidney Stones : to help excrete deposition crystals or deposits from the kidneys and the urinary tract.
12 The Diuretic Drugs
1. Furosemida
is a powerful diuretic acting on the curved henle, very effective for state edema in brain and acute lung. star work quickly.
The Dose Of Granting Furosemida
Administering Orally ; once a day @40 -80 mg morning, pc
Giving iv : once a day @20-40 mg (slowly)
2. Etakrinat Acid
is a powerful diuretic acting on the curved henle, with the effect of faster and longer than furosemide. but because the side effect are also stronger from furosemide. then rarely used compared to uresemid.
A Dose Of Etakrinat Acid : Granting
Administering Orally : once a day @50mg morning, pc
Giving iv : once a day @50 mg (Na salt)
3. Hidroclorotiazida
this substance was developed from the sulfonamide, working towards the distal part of the face of the tubule. the diuretic effect. lighter than diuretic.
The Granting Hidroclorotiazida Dose
Administering Orally : 1-2 times a day @25-100 mg.
4. Klortalidon
this is similar to the sulfonamides have thiamine, so does power the diuretic more or less the same.
The Granting Klortalidon Dose
Administering orally : once a day @25-50 mg. or 3 times in a week
5. Spironolakton
works as a diuretic with potassium saver is relatively weak so often combines with other diuretics to increase effect.
The Granting Of Spironolakton Dose
the grant by way of oral: 1-2 times a day @25-50 during the meal, a maximum of 200 mg per day
6. Triamterene
efficacy of the drug was similar to triamterene spironolakton, that inhibit the Na exchange with K and H in distal tubule so ekskresi Na increased but decreased K
Triamterene Granting Dose
giving oral : 1-2 times a day @50 mg after meal, a maximum of 20
7. Amilorida
the drug is derived from amilorida triamterene with effects are stronger than the parent compound, so better than triamterene.
Amilorida Granting Dose
Administering orally : 1-2 times a day @5 mg, maximum 20 mg.
8. Asetazolamide
the drug is derived from asetazolamide sulfonamide, considered the first modern diuretic used in the treatment (1951). efficacy of the diuretic based on barrier enzyme carbon-an hydras which are encouraging reaction.
9. Glucose
the substance is obtained from the hydroxide cor starch use of the most important is to increase the volume of blood and nutrients as food through the blood. it is mainly used as a diuretic in edema of the brain, lung edema and others.
10. Sorbitol
sorbitol is obtained by reduction of glucose with the sweetness of glucose. sorbitol is used as a sugar substitute for sufferers of diabetes or diabetic.
The Granting Of Sorbitol Dose
granting of sorbitol are : -iv : 0,75 - 1,5 grams per kg of body weight of a solution of 40-50%
11. Ammonium Chloride
this salt compounds have weak diuretic power, the renamed ureum and H occur so as to acidosis (excess acid in the blood)
The Granting Of Ammonium Chloride Dose
the right dose in administering orally ammonium chloride : 4-6 times a day @2 gr, at meal times
12. Java Tea Leaves
obtained from plants (orthosiphon stamineus). contains orthosiphon glycosides, flying oil and potassium is high this Java Tea Leaves can be used for disease of the urinary tract and kidney stones.
The Granting Of Java Tea Leaves Dose
the granting of leaves of Java Tea Leaves oral 2-3 times a day : 150 ml infusion (5-10%)
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