How To Care Dry Skin With Easy Way - Medical Info -->

How To Care Dry Skin With Easy Way

How To Care Dry Skin With Easy Way

Care Dry Skin - The skin is divided into several types, namely dry skin, oily skin and normal skin, and each skin type requires a few different treatments. there are some people who feel uncomfortable with having dry skin, because as we know dry skin sometimes looks less healthy. dry skin is usually owned by those who have the talent, lack of nutrients or using too much soap antiseptic.

Picture Of How To Care Dry Skin With Easy Way

The Factors Cause Dry Skin

That cause dry skin are environmental factors such as weather, exposure to sunlight directly, the hot air temperature ( including sauna ), exposure to cold or exposure to dry air as air from air conditioning, wind and pollution. all of which potentially cause dry skin and if left untreated will result in damage to the skin. 

How and What Goes On Your Skin At The Time Of The Bath

The skin has a stratum corneum (SC), stratum corneum namely skin layer containing many proteins and lipids that serves to keep the moisturizer in the skin, at the time of the bath, the skin is able to absorb the moisturizer ( emollient or moisturizer ), contained in soap bath, as such, then the skin treatment should begin at the time of the bath.

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in additional to absorb the moisturizer, at the time of the bath layers of skin called the stratum corneum (SC) will absorb water so the SC hydration and some water will be stored in the cell of the skin ( Korneosit ), will further swelling of the cells.

the presence of surfactants ( depending on the type of durfaktan ) in bath SOAP will increase the rate of cell swelling and cell swelling occurs if excessive skin will potentially become the skin and irritation.

then how do i treat dry skin so that it looks healthier, not dull and not scaly? as for the care and protection for dry skin is as follows :
  • Use moisturizing cream as often as possible, either at the time of the day or night.
  • Use sunscreen during the day, because the type of dry skin this is very easily affected stain brown.
  • We recommend you be cautious in using SOAP facial cleanser, because if the wrong choosing SOAP facial cleanser will add opaque on dry skin.
  • Use SOAP cleanser to remove the remains of the makeup on the face, rinse with clean water and dry it, then give it a recognized for facial skin moisture.
  • For the owner of the dry skin that has a history of allergies, we recommend that you avoid SOAP that contain antiseptic air-high PH, because SOAP containing high can trigger the reaction of redness on the skin area exposed to sunlight
  • Typically, these reaction appear on the skin of the face, ears, neck and forearm parts outside. sufferers usually have symptoms of skin redness, itching and heat. meanwhile, at the same time, the area of skin covered clothes do not suffer from any skin disorder. 

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