The Benefits Of An Antiseptic And Disinfectant, All Kinds Of Antiseptic And Disinfectant - Medical Info -->

The Benefits Of An Antiseptic And Disinfectant, All Kinds Of Antiseptic And Disinfectant

Antiseptic And Disinfectant

Antiseptic substance is a substance that can turn off or stop the growth of germs on live networks. for example: alcohol, betadine, and other. Disinfectant are substances used to deadly germs on inanimate objects (Tools operation, level, drinking water, swimming pool). for example: carbolic, lysol, formalin, etc.

The Benefits Of An Antiseptic And Disinfectant, All Kinds Of Antiseptic And Disinfectant Image

The Use Or Benefits Of Antiseptic 

  1. clean the wounds and infections.
  2. treating an infection on the skin
  3. preoperative to turn off the germs on the skin or before injecting

All Kinds Of Antiseptic And Disinfectant

1. Halogen and its compounds are:

  • Iodium: as an antiseptic with concentration: 2% of Iod Tincture in ethanol
  • Povidone Iodide 10% in water
  • Chlorine: as disinfectant floor, drinking water, swimming pool with a concentration of about 0.5-20 ppm
  • Klorhexidin: is the best antiseptic properties bakterisid and fungisid (0.1-1.5%)
  • Hibiscrub
  • Salvon

2. Phenol and its derivation :

a phenol or carbolic: used as a disinfectant with a concentration of about 15%
b. Hexaclorofeno; used in antiseptic SOAP

3. Alcohol, Pillars, and Acid

a. Ethanol; or more popular with alcohol with concentration of 70%
b. Formaldehyde: formalin solution = 36%
c. Paraformaldehyde = solid polymer can vaporize when heated.

4. Compound Oxide

a. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), as a gargle or as drops of ears with concentration about 3%
b. Zinc peroxide and Magnesium Peroxide is frequently used in toothpaste
c. potassium permanganate (PK): used for dishwashing ulcers with concentration of about 0.1%.

5. Miscellaneous

a. with Sulfur or sulfur
b. Ichtiyol
c. Peru Balsam
d. Gentian Violet

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