The Benefits Of An Antiseptic And Disinfectant, All Kinds Of Antiseptic And Disinfectant
Antiseptic And Disinfectant
Antiseptic substance is a substance that can turn off or stop the growth of germs on live networks. for example: alcohol, betadine, and other. Disinfectant are substances used to deadly germs on inanimate objects (Tools operation, level, drinking water, swimming pool). for example: carbolic, lysol, formalin, etc.
The Use Or Benefits Of Antiseptic
- clean the wounds and infections.
- treating an infection on the skin
- preoperative to turn off the germs on the skin or before injecting
All Kinds Of Antiseptic And Disinfectant
1. Halogen and its compounds are:
- Iodium: as an antiseptic with concentration: 2% of Iod Tincture in ethanol
- Povidone Iodide 10% in water
- Chlorine: as disinfectant floor, drinking water, swimming pool with a concentration of about 0.5-20 ppm
- Klorhexidin: is the best antiseptic properties bakterisid and fungisid (0.1-1.5%)
- Hibiscrub
- Salvon
2. Phenol and its derivation :
a phenol or carbolic: used as a disinfectant with a concentration of about 15%
b. Hexaclorofeno; used in antiseptic SOAP
3. Alcohol, Pillars, and Acid
a. Ethanol; or more popular with alcohol with concentration of 70%
b. Formaldehyde: formalin solution = 36%
c. Paraformaldehyde = solid polymer can vaporize when heated.
4. Compound Oxide
a. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), as a gargle or as drops of ears with concentration about 3%
b. Zinc peroxide and Magnesium Peroxide is frequently used in toothpaste
c. potassium permanganate (PK): used for dishwashing ulcers with concentration of about 0.1%.
5. Miscellaneous
a. with Sulfur or sulfur
b. Ichtiyol
c. Peru Balsam
d. Gentian Violet