The Anti Tuberculosis Drugs And How To Treat Tuberculosis Of The Lungs Disease - Medical Info -->

The Anti Tuberculosis Drugs And How To Treat Tuberculosis Of The Lungs Disease

The Anti-TB Drugs (ATD) And How To Treat Tb Of The Lungs Disease

How To Treat Pulmonary Tuberculosis?

treating pulmonary tuberculosis is by way of taking medication regularly and continuously during 6-8 month as directed doctor recommended or recommended by the appropriate health officer.

What Are Anti TUBERCULOSIS Drugs

the anti-TB drugs consist of 5 types namely:
  1. Isoniasid
  2. Rifampin
  3. Pirasinamid
  4. ETHAMBUTOL and injections
  5. Streptomycin

the anti-TB drugs are packaged in the form of Fixed-dose Packaging or also called Fixed Dose Combination (FDC). the early stages of swallowing drugs TB is for 2 months. and the next stage of anti TB drugs gobbled up for 4 months. 

When treatment of the first stage and second stage failed, then it should be added to the drug Streptomycin injections per day for 2 months.

Baca Juga

pulmonary tuberculosis sufferers have to drink more than 1 drug of sorts so that the workings of the drug is more effective in killing germs and to prevent the effects of immune disease TUBERCULOSIS (Resistant) against anti tuberculosis.

The Anti-TB Drugs (ATD) And How To Treat Tb Of The Lungs Disease Image

How To Consumption TUBERCULOSIS Drugs

  • the anti-TB drugs consumption in an empty stomach in the morning before eating 30 minutes or 30 minutes before bed.
  • the anti-TB drugs taken at once

Anti-TB Drug Dosage

Anti-TB Drug Dosage For Adult

weight : 30-37 kg
The initial phase (red blister) : 2 tablets per day, for 2 months
advanced phase (yellow blister) : 2 tablets 1 x, 2 days for 4 months

Weight : 38-54 kg
The initial phase (red blister) : 3 tablets per day, for 2 months
advanced phase (yellow blister) : 3 tablets 1 x, 2 days for 4 months

Weight : 55-70 kg
The initial phase (red blister) : 4 tablets per day, for 2 months
advanced phase (yellow blister) : 4 tablets 2 days once, for 4 months

Weight : more than 71 kg
The initial phase (red blister ) : 5 tablets per day, for 2 months
advanced phase (yellow blister) : 2 tablets 1 x, 2 days for 4 months

Anti-TB Drug Dosage For Kids

Weight : 0-4 kg
The initial phase (red blister) : consultation with a doctor
advanced phase (yellow blister) : consultation with a doctor

Weight : 5-9 kg
The initial phase (red blister) : 1/2 dosage per day, for 2 months
advanced phase (yellow blister) : 1/2 dosage per day for 4 months

Weight : 10-19 kg
The initial phase (red blister) : 1 dose per day, for 2 months
advanced phase (yellow blister) : 1dosis per day for 4 months

Weigh t: 20-32 kg
The initial phase (red blister) : 2 doses per day, for 2 months
advanced phase (yellow blister) : 2 doses per day for 4 months

Weight : more than 33 kg
The initial phase (red blister) : 2 doses per day, for 2 months
advanced phase (yellow blister) : 2 dosisi per day for 4 months

The initial phase of the Anti-TB Drug Given

  • 1/2 = 1 dose = 1 tablet capsul big = 1/2 small tablet
  • 1 dose = 2 + 2 large tablets capsul + 1 small tablet follow-up phase of the Anti-TB Drug
  • 1/2 dose = 1 tablet 1/2 + capsul
  • 1 dose = 2 + 1 tablet capsul

any anti-TB medications are observed by Supervisors Consumption Drugs to ensure :

  1. the drugs actually swallowed
  2. When TB drugs not on consumption for 1 day, then the next day just swallowing the drug once, and should not be merged.
  3. follow the instructions take drugs delivered by a doctor or health worker
  4. do not stop taking the drug by ownself except on the orders of doctors or health workers.

To Be Aware Of The Anti-TB Medications Subs

When the following symptoms are found, it is the usual thing :

  1. urine and keringa change color to red
  2. mild skin itching
  3. nausea
  4. no appetite

When you find the following symptoms, immediate consultation with a doctor or health worker:

  1. the eyes and the skin becomes yellow
  2. vomiting
  3. limp and unconscious
  4. eye berkunang-kunang
  5. muscle cramps of the stomach
  6. loss of hearing
  7. a fever is not clear.

Therefore, please check yourself or your child regularly to the health services unit. If other then taking the drug must ask for the consent of a doctor.

Sign of TB Successful Treatment

  1. on examination of the sputum in the laboratory, with TB germs negative
  2. complaints are reduced or lost
  3. appetite improved
  4. weight increased
  5. X-rays show are better

What Is Immune To Anti TB Drugs

  1. When the anti-TB drugs (OAT) is not able to kill the TB germs, this is caused by several factors, such as:
  2. the anti-TB drugs consume irregular
  3. the drug dose is swallowed do not comply with the instructions
  4. never break up a drug or not taking medication routine anti-TB

If anti-TB drugs are immune to it are characterized by sputum examination results at the lab where germs are still positive at the end of treatment, sufferers of perceived grievances remain the same from prior treatment, x-rays are not changes with x-rays on before treatment.

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