The Benefits Of Saving DNA And Capital War Against Disease - Medical Info -->

The Benefits Of Saving DNA And Capital War Against Disease

The Benefits Of Saving DNA And Capital War Against Disease

What are the benefits of saving the DNA?. it has to do with the world economy, now the world economy is being restless result research global finance, but there's a treasure more precious than anything else also, our bodies, various types of diseases with strange "labels" and came up against the main a heading become news in a variety of electronic media, send fear to everyone who hears the spread of such diseases, from getting SARS, Bird flu, Swine Flu To a wide range of other chronic disease, and the idea of saving the DNA could be a speck of hope.

Picture Of The Benefits Of Saving DNA And Capital War Against Disease

now being developed human data storage, because when you save the data of your body, the same as you have capital to fight diseases that attack your body. the data storage is a type of Bank that serves to save a sample of tissue, tumor cells, DNA and blood samples called Bio-bank.

genetic information derived from each sample are closely related with the data of the medical history and life style of patient or a donors. so it's not the money that is needed for this, but the researchers blood you, of course "saving" in the Bio-bank is not making money.

Bio-bank became very important for biomedical researchers for molecular data obtained will be checked for quality, then distributed to researchers for study materials for developing modern diagnosis, with sufficient tissue samples from diseased and those of healthy people, researchers can see the genetic profile that makes worry DNA of people with specific diseases and then can start analyzing and treating the individual in more closely.

imagine the power of thousands of samples that can be used as capital for creating "a cure" various diseases of humans, not only cancer, but also the cure for heart disease, brain damage such as Alzheimer's, stroke and high blood to diabetes.

in the United Kingdom there is now a lot of small-sizes and according to the Bio-bank plan be established a nation scale of Bio-bank, UK Bio-bank. the number of samples according to estimates reaching 500 thousand individuals and may be increased to cover almost the entire population in the territory of the United Kingdom.

other countries that are building Bio-bank including Canada, Norway and Sweden. even Iceland, a country near North Pole keep the Biological assets securely. more than 60 percent of the adult population in the country of Iceland has donated their DNA to decode genetics, a company that runs a system of Bio bank's operation there.

company decode genetics and the Utah Population Database is two examples of Bio-bank are running optimally and potentially become the largest molecular data storage building in the world. until now the amount of data recorded in the Utah Population Database has reached more than 8 million people, while health experts at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) was trying to set up a National Bio-bank America First with Government support.

like other DNA-based storage, the most important of the Bio-bank is a way of storage plus access to donor information sample documents securely. sequence of DNA result time. in addition, the DNA must be protected from physical damage is good because incident or due to deliberate action elements.

controversy about the right of ownership of a blood sample also began to circulate, so far only Iceland that have 3 rule of low regarding the ownership of the physical as well as the related info between the DNA and the Bio-bank, and that's challenge, always maintain privacy and ensuring access to it is restricted to members of the medical and to charities which have licenses. in split of all that, like the Bio-bank could be positive solution for the treatment of diseases in the future, at least, in the middle of a fixed global warming issue heats up, we still have a little hope in the future to produce medical drugs for serious diseases in human.

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