Diabetes Why The Fast Is Important For Diabetics - Medical Info -->

Diabetes Why The Fast Is Important For Diabetics

What Is Diabetes
diabetes is a disorder in which the pancreas decreased in organ produces insulin to stabilize blood sugar levels in the body.


 What Is Diabetes Type I
diabetes type one is diabetes hanging with the insulin (insulin dependent), usually occurs in young children due to the failure of the cell the pancreas. to know more about diabetes in child.

please read also about Diabetes And How To Sign And How To Treat Of Diabetes

What Is Diabetes Type II
diabetes type two is a type of diabetes that is not dependent insulin (non-insulin dependent),  usually occurring in adults, generally due to excessive diet and is rich in carbohydrates, too much sweet food consumption however, blood sugar levels can be controlled by exercise and  diet low in carbohydrates.

The Symptoms Of Diabetes
1. frequent urination and in great numbers during the day and night
2. feel excessive hunger
3. body weight decreased even though eating enough and although a portion of the ,meal plus
4. a quick feel tired and lethargic
5. if you have a wound on the body it was hard to recover, occurs the infection of the skin and itching
6. often feel a tingling or often feel numbness around the feet

What Cause Of Diabetes
diabetes is caused by damage to the pancreas cells that cannot produce insulin in amounts sufficient to make a stable blood sugar in the body, generally due to consume high amounts of carbohydrates, overweight, stress, and influence of pregnancy.

How To Prevent Diabetes
1. when you factor in obesity, then lower your weight on a regular basis with a regular exercise routine and

2. do not consume excessive sugar and high carbohydrate-containing foods (rice, noodles and bread, and potatoes)
3. for aged 40 years and above, regularly checking on your sugar levels to the doctor.

Fast Tips For Diabetics
with 12 hour of content does not interfere with the health of the patients of diabetes mellitus who have controlled blood sugar levels, but in patients who have uncontrolled blood sugar levels, hence fasting will give rise to a sense of stress on the body and stimulates hormone cons of insulin to control blood sugar formation make be faster, as well as the breakdown of fat early and produces ketones.

as a consequence will occur ketoacidosis (a state of wherein the blood become acidic). diabetes mellitus patients also tend to be uncontrollable poliuri or many urinary so easily dehydrated know lack of fluids, fasting recommended in all patients of diabetes mellitus type two (not insulin dependent) with excessive weight and well controlled to improve insulin sensitivity and metabolic control and reduce weight.

Please Read How To Easy And Cheap Treat Diabetes With Natural Ways

there are types of diabetes mellitus should not fasting, blood sugar when IE is not stable and not controlled properly and did not follow the advice of diet, medication and activity; diabetes mellitus patients with serious complications, patients with a history of diabetes mellitus ketoacidosis, patients who re pregnant, patient who experience infections, patients who are old with problem of consciousness as well as if there are two or more occurrences hypoglycemia during fasting, control your blood sugar while you are doing the fast, if your glucose less than 63 mg/dl, then it must immediately end the fast.

To Beware By Diabetics
1. sugar levels are too low (hypoglycemic)
2. blood sugar levels are too high (hyperglycemia)
3. the blood becomes acidic (ketoacidosis)
4. lack of fluids (dehydration) and swelling occurred in blood vessels (thrombosis)

The Meals Before And After Fast
1. eating healthy food and balanced
2. and hastening an end to settle for when the time of fasting ends
3. drink enough, at least 8 cups per day
4. calories : portion 50% upon finished end of fasting, and 10% satisfied, one hour after if-tar, 40% before the fast.
5. choose complex carbohydrates that it took a long time before burning fast.
6. reduce ft intake, eat fibrous foods and reproduce
7. check your blood sugar before fasting, after a two-hour fasting, 2 hour before the end of fast, and 2 hour after the fast

When To Invalidate The Fast
1. when blood sugar drops to 60 ml/dl or less
2. blood sugar down about 70 mg/dl in the early hour when fasting insulin usage, especially the sulfonilurea, or glinid which were used before the fast
3. sugar levels is likely to be more than 300 mg/dl.

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