What Is Detox Skin And How To Detox Skin With Natural Ingredients - Medical Info -->

What Is Detox Skin And How To Detox Skin With Natural Ingredients

What Is A Detox Skin?
Skin Detox is clean the skin overall tone and will help balance the humidity, clean pores, and get rid of dead skin cells, thus opening the way for the information of a new skin surface smooth. 

external methods to clean the skin is exfoliation and brushing that will improve circulation, stimulates the disposal of toxins through the lymphatic system, and accelerate the skin's cells recovery method, the alternative is a method of inside out, which involved in increase in circulation and transpiration from the inside through the heating of the body in the sauna or steam room or with a live hydrotherapy.

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beauty skin and detox skin methode
detox skin

For What Skin Exfoliation?
  1. stimulate circulation of the health of the whole body
  2. encourage the disposal of toxins from the body
  3. help break down/prevent cellulite
  4. scrape dead skin cells
  5. clean the pores to prevent spots and blemishes on the skin
  6. encourage the formation of new skin surface is smooth

How To Make Scrub Of Coarse Salt
exfoliation is a mechanical way to get rid of dead skin cells, salt is one of the most effective skin
Exfoliating and simple. here's how combine a handful of coarse salt with two tablespoons of sesame oil or olive oil. 

Please Read Also About Diet Detox And Why Must Detox Of Body 

if you like, you can add a drop of essential oil of rose or lavender essential oil, make sure that your bathroom is warm and there is a warm towel to dry the body later. before you start rubbing your body, in your face and neck exfoliate if using fine salt (coarse salt is only used for the skin of the body except the face) that in mixed with olive oil or sesame oil or sesame oil, as it will help easy these scrubs while giving nutrition to the skin, and this salt scrub can make a refreshed skin overall. frequency : repeat once or twice in  week, and time do the scrub it takes 20 minutes. 

Stage Of Detox Scrub With Coarse Salt
1. standing under a shower of warm water for 1-2 minutes and make sure your whole body wet, turn off the water, take a shower scrub the mixture with your hand and massage into your skin well, starting from the feet, make a circular movement with the whole palm of your hand, make your rub the soles of your feet. 

2. gradually, moved ride down your leg while using a circular motion, give special attention to the thighs and buttocks, for it will increase circulation and prevent cellulite, reach your back as far as possible, and then massage the abdomen and chest gently, continue to rub shoulders, arms and palms of your hand. 

3. turn on again showers and massages scrub on your skin under the water until we scrub lose all, lower the temperature to cool down and keep we're under water for one minute, making sure the water rinse your whole body. 

dry yourself with a towel using warm, wear a warm bathrobe and lie down for five minutes. now you'll feel sort of itchy drolly that juice all over your body, and you will feel the energy of the whole body repopulate.

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