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7 Tips For Youthful And Healthy In Old Age

How To Remain Youthful And Healthy In Old Age
Youth and health are like water, both are sorely missed after the rice into mush. it's not been so thirsty as when there is no water; we don't ever expect a young man like that time has passed.

therefore, all of us, people who are young and those still feeling young, to have to think of our good health, our ruddy cheeks, eye shinning as well as step foot dexterity as a beautiful gift, which must safeguarded and rewarded with high and maintained all the time.

7 tips for youthful and healthy in old age
tips for youthful

but the way of life in our time is not good anymore to maintain health in youth. many of us live with haste and buried by very much work and a lot of anxiety.

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because it is not the people who are young are still badly needed by a nation at this time? our world today is the world of young people, which is where a lot of young people are put in the position of those who are old.

we put the obligation upon the shoulders of the young, a result is a lot of young people experiencing nervous tension and the body fragile and many young take heavy load over the life.

one among ten people in one country must have a stomach that's less healthy, in general they look older than their actual age, while only 30 or 40 years.

the longer the more heart disease strikes people who are younger, any nerve disorder take more casualties, almost half of the beds in the hospital lot were filled by people who suffered nervous disorders.

then how can we keep our body and soul so that always ageless? how can we avoid the pressure upon the mind forever be a burden in life in this day and age, while life goes by really fast? how can we eat at a specific time and on time, eating a healthy diet and live in a quiet and live everything with patience despite a life filled with tension, difficulty, and life is always busy with the affairs of the world? it's really not easy.

but each depends on ourselves, aged under 20 years until old age, must look to the life and health as a valuable gift and one that cannot be replaced with any kind of money.

if we just think of the money and let the disease be inside your body when it is still young, and can we have a long and ageless if always do like that forever in life?

many among the young people nowadays are not concerned with food, do not learn too much from experience, getting the sleep time is not enough, not too many young people are now suffering from tuberculosis because of a pattern of life that is not good, and tuberculosis is a disease that took many casualties among people aged 20 to 40 years.

we often see people who've had old age 80,90, and 100 years old, and this is what parents appreciate their youth and maintain his health when they are young, those who take life with slowly (no rush), they who appreciates his health all the time.

and as a result, they have a long age with good power, they still have good eye sight, those still bellong adept footfall.

Here's 7 Tips Keep It youthful And Healthy In Old Age
1. Make Love
make love every day your work, and living with the feeling of love to your life journey. the secret of happiness in not in doing what one likes, but in linking what we should do. remember all the life that exist around you.

give a little of your time to share or help others, because other people will do the same when you do good in others.

2. Smile
switch the wrinkle on the face caused due to anxiety with a smile that is sweet and beautiful, people who like to laugh is a person who rarely suffer from mental disorders, rarely feel lonely, rarely suffer from difficulty sleeping, in't there a saying say " a laugh, then the whole world will be weeping with laughter, then you'll cry alone".

for friendship and joy, then a laugh, don't accept too much of the burden will be life. in the end we don't know  what will happen a hundred years later, the face and keep your lips with smile of delight.

3. Take the Time To Maintain
good health, the faster life ran, then the sooner it will be exhausted and the sooner you transfer people to the grave.

is it his fault if the trip of your life created slowing down? take the time to suck the eve of fresh air in the forest or in the garden, into the sea, in the mountains or at a minimum in the park near your house.

take a little time, to visit a friend or relative or neighbour, because we never know when the relatives, neighbours or friend we will leave the world including your own.

4. Conduct You Exercise
the more light foot, the body will be more durable, how long you hold exercise in the morning, how long you walk, how long do you play around in the garden, and how long you were drive a bike?

reading newspapers or magazines are indeed already is out of place, but you have to take more time to enjoy the nature in your life, look to the beauty of the beautiful sky when sunset.

you will not see the scenery as beautiful as it was when you watch television or computer, there is not the most melodious song as melody  song of the birds, and there is no more beautiful colour other than the color of the flowers that bloom in the park.

walks are good exercise the most we can do. go for a walk it is cheap and coached many great muscles cannot move when we work by sitting in front of your computer.

5. Eat With Feeling Happy And Excited
eat with feeling happy and excited, young people now have always been tempted to ruin the taste of the food court with menu of foods that contain a lot of sugar, eating lots of ice cream, chocolate, cakes, fizzy drink, because it is one factor that can kill our body health.

perforated teeth, appetite will be a vegetable and fruit is very less, experiencing shortages of blood which resulted in his face full of pimples and coupled with a lot of small ulcers, body too fat because consumption too much fatty food.

in addition, because too much consuming foods that contain high calories in every day, so a lot of young people who are full of acne to be a very mature with a body like long so it looks old, but their 20 years old or 30 years.

his penchant in the food and drink sweet continued to run until they are older, which when they are older, they can not burn calories in the body already obese and because there is no power that can make nimble as he moves young time.

if you want to always look cute like children are still in school and as a young child that chirpy, paper wisely. as consuming fruit, vegetables, milk, eggs and other protein substances.

reduce the consumption of sugar, cakes, carbonated beverages, and foods high in calories and fat, if you manage to avoid the food, then your skin will be smooth, ad keep your body slim with a sunny face. in addition, you will be free from acne.

6. Sleep
sleep is one way to keep your face and body to always youthful, although a young man may be losing sleep a few nights, but still but he can still rejoice.

there is no denying that the people who live the longest and most appear to be young is a person who has a bedtime 8-10 hours every day when they were young and after they are old.

do not let the dinner parties, meetings, lessons keep you must be sleeping till late at night or midnight. because it will robs your health. and use a padded pillow because it effects the position of your head.

7. Trust To The God
trust to God no matter what difficulties befall your life, don't let the difficulties destroying life, joy, smiles, and your health, discard all anxiety and all problems when you say a prayer before you sleep.

ask the God to give you health and clarity of the heart, and you will feel how you feel calm, and you will feel that there is no longer a disturbing thoughts, anxiety that suppress your soul like weighing anchor.

if you want to get a youthful face after 40 years of age, shall be a balanced mix of our happiness at any state of your life as it has been presented above.

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