Anatomy Physiology Surface On The Human Body
Surface Anatomy Of The Human Body Directly
Source of knowledge that can directly use the body's own proving things to learn. for example, the knowledge gained from the result of the observation and the examination done by your doctor or nurse can be followed carefully by means of palpation (check the touch ), percussion (check the bladed), and auscultation (listen check), studied the circumstances of the useful for patients looking for data to enforce a diagnosis of the disease.
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surface on the human body |
Please Read Anatomy, Physiology And Human Nerve Tissue
the surface of the head of the surface of the head is a line drawn from protuberancia oksipitalis ( a line from a prominent part at the back of the head) externa forward through the tops of the skull to the middle point of the base of the nose, shows the longitudinalis separating the parts of the left brain and right brain.
how to find sulkus sentralis by determining the midpoint between protuberantia occipitalis externa and the base of the nose. a line transverse slice 1 cm behind the midpoint of walking towards the ear, indicating the direction of the central sulcus.
mastoid touched can presesus behind the ears. the parotid gland wedged between the prosesus mastoid and the formula of the mandible (lower jaw) and covering muskulus master's (chewing muscles) which eventually enters the mouth.
arterial facialis mandibular anterior run above. prosesus zigomatikus temporalis artery crosses the bone temple in front of the ears.
Please Read Anatomy Physiology And Supporting Body Tissue
Stem Neck
neck is divided into two main section, i.e. the triangle-shaped anterior and posterior. the sternocleidomastoid muscles by running be angle from the prosesus mastoid bone temple next to the clavicle, and can be touched. bone that is located at the base of the neck and thoracic cavity separating it from.
posterior triangle of the neck, the front of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is limited by and behind by the edge of the trapezius muscle. this section contains a portion of the nerve plexus and brachial artery cervical, a series of glands, lymph, nerve and blood vessels and in this place the emphasis arteries subclavian artery is done with a finger.
digastric triangle, located under the jaw, there is the submandibular gland and parotid gland, nerve branch of the facial nerve and artery of facial nerve. other structure within the carotid vessels of the manubrium is important because behind him lies a portion of the aorta and vein innominata arkus.
the tracheas begins from below the cartilage of the thoracic cavity, walking through the cricoid cartilage and ends int the left and right bronchi-high angle of the sternum.
start from the edge of the esophagus below the cartilage cricoid cartilage running down behind the trachea, thymus gland located behind the manubrium, occasionally extends to top up to the neck.
Torso (body)
if the spine tops compared to sternum is located as high as second and third connection vertebra thoracic and joint between the sternum and the rod processus xiphoid, located as high as ninth segment of the thoracic vertebrae and ten.
The Abdomen
linea alba forming grooves that run through the middle abdominal line of cartilage processes xiphoid to the symphysis pubis. on the right lines and in left can be touched this muscles, abdominal muscles can be shortlisted with lying how to sleep with your arms on the side, a shrug and a second leg down to the top. umbilicus or navel is located at an elevation of lumbar vertebrae between the third and fourth.
the anterior superior iliac spine can clearly touched. by drawing a straight line from the umbilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine on the right, on the middle third of this line, we find McBurney point which is where the most pain in inflammation of the Appendix.
hull located inside left upper abdomen, partly shielded behind the ribs and cartilage down, fundus hull reaches the fifth ribs antarc-space left.
the position of the liver, the pancreas, the duodenum, gall bladder and some part of the colon, it can be seen in the picture. content of bile a bit beyond the edge of the cartilage of the ninth rib on the right. the pancreas is on the back of the abdomen in front of the lumber vertebrae. iliac artery in front of the fourth lumbar vertebrae. sekrum is on the right and the beginning of colonic fleksura on the left.
View Of The Front Of The Torso
sternum angle can be touched from outside, there is as high as an extension of the second rib and sternum. at the other end of the sternum angle intra-sternum or xifoid palpated a shallow slope.
very short pulses epex of the heart can be touched or seen on the space intercostalis (between the ribs). to make it easier then the abdomen is divided into nine regions with such organs can be explained within its location.
for example : hepar most occupying area hipokondrium and epigastrium-right runs sideways to the left and partially in hipokondrium area of lumbricalis the right.
the space next to the rear occupied by the lower limit of the lung pleural. there are lymph vessels on the right, under ribs ninth, tenth and eleventh. left kidney between the ninth of the thoracic vertebral segment to segment loin (lumbar vertebrae) third, right kidney lower pole little it met today (hepar).
The Cavity In The Body -Cavity
the cavity in the body consists of a dorsal and ventral cavities
1. The dorsal cavity, there is a cavity in the back of the vertebrae, consist of a cavity of the cranium which contained spinal cord.
2. The ventral cavity is a cavity which is located at the front of the vertebrae, which consists of the thoracic cavity (cavity of the chest) that the lungs, esophagus, trachea, heart, aorta, and others.
in addition to the cavities above there is still a small cavities in the body cavity of the eye among others (cavity orbita), nasal cavity (cavity of rice), the oral cavity (cavity oris), ear cavity (tympanic cavity).
from the back of the vertebral spine or lanceolate spines can be touched. on a lanceolate cervical vertebrae (neck piece rear line lanceolate) the seventh palpated scapula (spakula), a more pronounced especially in people who are skinny, bony pelvis-high spakula layout of the second until the seventh.
the position of the posterior superior iliac spine and the note with the grooves along the iliac krista, can be touched the highest point lies in the fourth lumbar vertebra, with the line we find a safe place to lumbar function. the spinal cord ends up as high as the first lumbar vertebra, at the lumbar vertebrae-high end second.
Upper Limbs
swelling of the lymph glands can be touched during inflammation in the upper limbs, on the upper limbs, there are antekuniti Fossa or dent in the front of the elbow.
the inside of the elbow palpable veins (veins of the basilica and sefalika) place gave intravenous injections and infusions at the regional elbows. in parallel with the bony thumb can palpate the radial artery the artery place touched the pulse.
Members Exercise
lymph gland swelling in the lymph in the fold of the thigh will be palpated in case of inflammation of the lower limbs. on the patella (knee shell), performed percussion (check the bladed) to find the motion of reflex. on the lower limbs is the lateral malleolus (ankles) and medial malleolus (ankles).
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