The Causes Of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), The Types And Symptoms Of Sexually Transmitted Infection - Medical Info -->

The Causes Of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), The Types And Symptoms Of Sexually Transmitted Infection

The Causes Of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), The Types And Symptoms Of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

What is a sexually transmitted Infection (STI) - sexually transmitted Infections or STI is an infection which is transmitted through sexual intercourse, or to be transmitted from pregnant women who suffer from IMS to a baby in the womb or through blood that has polluted the infection Sexually Transmitted (STI).

The Causes Of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), The Types And Symptoms Of Sexually Transmitted Infection Image

The Causes Of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

  • cause: bacteria GO (Gonorrhea), syphilis
  • virus: causes genital herpes, Rooster comb, HIV-AIDS, hepatitis B
  • Protozoa
  • mushrooms: jamuran
  • ektoparasit: scabies, genital lice

Symptoms Of A Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)

  • the symptoms of genital body duh (out fluid from the vagina)
  • symptoms of ulcers (sores on pubic)
  • the growing tumor symptoms

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Effect If Untreated Sexually Transmitted Infections

  • infertility or infertility
  • cancer of the cervix
  • the baby is born premature or born defective or in case of death.

How Intercourse Can Cause Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)

  • anal sex with
  • hands and sex
  • sex with sex
  • oral sex with

Types Of Sexually Transmitted Infections (Sti) And Symptoms Of Sexually Transmitted Infections

definition: Gonorrhea (GO) includes all of the infection caused by Neisseria Gonorrhoeae


Complaints in men:
There is a sense of discomfort or heat in the urinary tract, feels pain, frequent urination, out duh body white or yellow and can be accompanied by blood, felt pain when an erection.

Complaint Of Sexually Transmitted Infection In Women

women generally take place without complaint, because the initial infection occurred in the cervix (cervical). When white usually white, greenish, somewhat condensed. But if sexually transmitted infections on urinary tract, urinary pain occurred when. If it continues it may cause complications in the ovaries or egg channel (the situation can cause infertility or pregnancy outside the womb).

Non-specific Genital infection (which is not clear)

definition: infection with no apparent cause. the term is more often used for women, if the males are Non-specific Urethritis.

incubation period is usually longer than with gonorrhea, namely 1-3 weeks or more, complaints similar to gonorrhea, but lighter, less body duh. the most common complaint is with the discovery on wear spots in the morning.

Mildew On Vagina

definition: the vaginal infection caused by fungi of Candida Sp.
symptoms: on women; There is a milky white colored body duh, clotted milk or milk like head broke.
on men: travel hard disease because it had a cause factor of disease include: pregnancy, DM, the use of drugs (antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives).


Trichomoniasis is a disease caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, infection in males are very rare. the onset of the disease is difficult to travel ensured, ranging between a few days to 4 weeks, often without symptoms is usually in the form of vaginal discharge that much cause itching and burning of the vagina.

Symptoms Of Trichomoniasis

in more severe conditions, it appears the pubic lips swollen and red
Bacterial vaginosis (a bacterial vaginal infection because)

bacterial vaginosis or vaginal infection because bacteria are vaginal discharge in women due to the turn of the lactobacillus SPP, which is the normal bacteria in the vagina. disease occurrence difficult journey is determined because the cause is only one.

complaints: vaginal discharge fishy smell, especially after sexual intercourse.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) And Form ULCERS

1. Syphilis

Syphilis is an infection caused by Treponema Pallidum, and chronic in nature. travel illnesses between 10-90 days, there are cuts on gender, there are spots in other parts of the body especially on the palms of the hands and feet are not itchy.

2. Ulcer Mole

ulcer mole is an infection caused by Haemophilus ducreyi. travel diseases 2-10 days, with the average time of 7 days, there are some very painful cuts, the regional lymph nodes enlargement accompanied by signs of inflammation.

3. Herpes Genitalis

Herpes genitalis is genital or genital infection caused by the simplex virus herves, are recurrent. travel illnesses between 2 -10 days or longer up to three weeks. It starts with a taste like burning and itching, some before the onset of the wounds on the skin, sometimes accompanied by symptoms of lethargy, fever and muscle pain.

4. Infections Contagious Shaped Cellular Protrusions

a. Kondiloma Akuminata
kondiloma akuminata is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the human papilloma virus. the onset of disease 1-8 trip months (average 2-3), generally obtained at locations that are often exposed to trauma while sexual intercourse, growing irregular nodule quiver like warts, can grow so that it resembles a chicken comb.

b. Limfogranuloma Venereum or Bubo
Bubo is an infection on the system and lymph vessels channel lymph glands, genital region. this case is very rare or rare.

Sexually Transmitted Infection With Complication

1. pain and swelling of the scrotum with the cause of STI

According to the cause include:
  • STI infection causes
  • the cause of the infection is not STI
  • infection causes enteric organisms, especially in men who had sexual intercourse insertif anogenital (venereal with anal)
  • causes of non infectious (collision, tumors).

2. the pelvic inflammatory disease with sexually transmitted infection causes (STI)

pelvic inflammatory disease (PRP) is an infection caused by the spread of bacteria from genital to the uterus and surrounding areas.

Pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms of abdominal pain, usually one week before menstruation or at the time of menstruation, depending on the cause, pain when urinating, out fluid from the female gender.

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