Burns - How To Treat Burns And Prevent Burns As Solution - Medical Info -->

Burns - How To Treat Burns And Prevent Burns As Solution

Burns is not only caused by high heat, chemicals, electricity and exposure, excessive sunlight can also cause burns, also steam or hot liquids cause burns and injuries arising called blisters, although the effect is exactly the same.

burns and how to treat burns and prevent burns as solution
burns and how to treat and prevent burns

to treat burns, it's best if you know how burns are classified based on the level of acute level, this will help you to decide whether medical treatment is necessary or not.

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at first the burns are classified according to the level of injury to the skin :
1. first degree burns
or first degree burns on the skin's surface layers of the skin involving only the exterior, red and very sick when pressed.

2. second-level burns.
second- level burns mild layer arises when there is a blister wounds on the skin.

3. three level of burns
usually three levels burns of layers in part, involves the entire layers of the skin and the tissue beneath.

in addition to classified based on the level of injury, burns are classified on the basis of extensive body involved, if more than the approximate surface of the body in involved, if it burns more than an estimated nine percent surface burns, then the medical help should be sought as soon as possible. useful way of estimating the nine percent surface of the body is to remember the "law of nine", each of which is associated with about nine percent of the body surface.

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When Burns Had To Get Attention.
1. burns anything more than the firstly level have to get medical attention, always threatening infections if there are blisters on the skin.

2. the surface of any body with burns of more than nine percent of the entire surface of the body should get treatment in the hospital. losing fluids due to blistering burns can cause shock.

3. burns anything more than one square inch and involves more than skin layers should get medical attention.

4. all burns due to the electrical contact must be checked by a doctor.

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first aid action before seeking medical help :
1. chill area burns as soon as possible, ideally by placing it under the faucet cold water flowing or dip it in cold water.

2. if this is not possible, it may be due to the unavailability of water flows or body part that burns can not be achieved, wipe it carefully with a suitable clean cloth (do not use cotton or any smooth material will stick to cuts) as well as after dipped for ten minutes.

3. don't try to undress the patient burns were charred by the fire; medical nurses who have been trained will not do this.

4. do not buttering or lotion on burns.

5. don't try to solve any blisters on burns;wrap a bandage or dry material should be fitted loosely before bringing patient bu to hospitals, if it is deemed necessary.

6. if the burns are caused by power tools, electric tool must be off before touching the victim, if you don't do this, it will be the two casualties occurred IE you and the previous burns patients.

7. burns the eyes and skin due to corrosive liquids in around , should be washed with cold water so that the skin is free from liquid destroyer, be flush a lot of cold water so that the entire former corrosive liquids are really erased.

Prevention Of Burns
burns and blisters to become the main cause of injury or death at home before a given medical handling small children and very old people at high risk will burns, children in groups of two to five years of age have been active and have always wanted to know, ring of fire stove teasing, part light from electricity that makes kids curious, also electrical outlet is the danger that must be realized by every mother.

give strict supervision for children who are in the kitchen and notices continuously about the dangers of this, all of which will help the chances of an accident will fire. 

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