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The Fact The Danger Of Tobacco To Human Life

The Danger Of Tobacco To Lung
Dr. Alton Ochsner, Professor of surgical Science at Tulane University Medical School, New Orleans,was a famous American Physician and Expert in The Lung Cancer Disease, he stated that he has been aware of the harmful consequences of tobacco, then from the physician Alton added that tobacco bring greater disaster of alcoholic beverages.

not that the physician Alton suggested to drink alcoholic beverages, but any person who consumes something with too much will bring danger as if we were eating or drinking too much will be harmful to our bodies, but that does not mean  you have to smoke in a small way, but indeed it should be avoided for the health of your body.

the fact the danger of tobacco to human life
danger of tobacco
the physician Alton compare between smoking and consuming drugs, tobacco is the cause of hooked the bad the same with morphine and almost as hard it is to let go.

do you know the effect of tobacco for people suffering from Buerger's  disease at his feet (which is the case 100 percent occurrence on those heavy smokers), unless he quit smoking, she would have lost one or both legs, but must people can not leave cigarettes, and that's the effect smoking like drugs.

but as we know, only a handful of control can be exercised over the tobacco companies for their production are outside the scrutiny of a legal entity called the Federation of the Food and Drug Administration.

all other productions which is used as food or incorporated into the mouth must be appropriately given the information about the list content. but not so with packs of cigarettes.

Why cigarette Companies Do Not Include A Description Of The Content In Packet Of Cigarettes.
the reason : nicotine, according to confessions from the owner of the cigarette companies, nicotine is not the type of food and not also a kind of dope.

until now, the owners of the company has managed to avoid the legislation than on the production of cigarettes as drugs, but in each book that nicotine, Pharmacologist is listed as one of the most powerful poisons.

and nicotine cause death if the number is estimated to approximately five smoking injection directly into the blood at once.

but tobacco smoke contains a number of chemicals are another very surprising, because tobacco smoke can now the given a Fragrant or made into a very light when smoked. among the chemicals that are added in tobacco are : ammonia, arsenic, benzopyrine ( a Ter charcoal may cause cancer), phenols, methan (swamp gases), pyridine, and hydrogen sulphide (chemical substances which give a foul smell).

Benzopyrine that is what responsible will be a new disaster in lung cancer, because it is now a growing number of men suffering from lung cancer due to the effects of tobacco, benzopyrine substances and often kill the men between the ages of forty and fifty years (rampant in men).

ingredients that cause cancer, if exposed to the branches of the throat of the lungs, causing chronic stimulation of very great and cause the growth of cancer.

according to Dr. Ochsner, an increase in lung cancer that shows a parallel meeting with the sale of cigarettes. in 1920 only 1.1 percent of all cancer is lung cancer, in the year 1948 that figure increased to 8.3 percent.

the figures for consumption for average American above the age of fourteen years shows an almost parallel to the numbers of lung cancer sufferers.

twenty-five years ago, Dr. Ochsner said, that he saw only one lung cancer sufferers in the past four years, during this time fifteen years ago she notice that sufferers of lung cancer increased sharply into thousands, and he argues that there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.

twenty-five years ago, Dr. Ochsner said, that he saw only one lung cancer sufferers in the past four years. During this time fifteen years ago she noticed that sufferers of lung cancer increased sharply into thousands, and he argues that there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.

the rapid increase in the vessels of the heart in the header-the younger age, according to Dr. Ochsner, was also due to the effects of tobacco then our life become faster at this time, so as a result the people any more interrupted her nerves and proceed with the amount many smoking each day.

there was a time when sixty to seventy years that the age of people suffer a heart attack. but a heart attack not to attack immediately when the first people suck tobacco because tobacco's effect will be felt long after consuming cigarettes.

at this time we do not be shocked when he saw the young people at the age of twenty years been suffering from lung cancer, and quite often also see people who are thirty to forty years became victims of heart disease.

smoking can also cause the increase of pulse rate in the first half, even a heart pounding rapidly or heartbeat becomes irregular, this is what is called the heart of smokers, posed by smoking to nicotine has made the heart was very Crabby and not in right.

suck the smoke the cigarettes can elevate blood pressure, because so many people have high blood pressure at the end of these days, they actually take his own life if they indulge in something that makes pressure his blood was higher again.

this is the result of tobacco over the heart that keeps President Eisenhower who issued the policies about smoking it, since President Eisenhower to stop smoking, his heart rate turned to normal, and lately President Eisenhower felt concerned about seeing young people who smoke seem unconcerned with the dangers of nicotine to their bodies.

other illness, if you avoid the smoke then you'll avoid gastric ulcers or gastric or intestinal infection 12 fingers, people who smoke have more than on the part itself in ulcers of the stomach or gastric infection.

it is the effect of smoking, because smoking can reduce gastric contractions are normal, can reduce your appetite so that the stomach produces too much stomach acid, and they tend to be on the incidence of infection of the stomach.

patients with gastric or intestinal infection 12 finger cannot be cured as long as he does not stop smoking, stop consuming alcohol and stop drinking coffee.

because of smoking, alcohol, and coffee result in worse if seen in terms of health care, if they follow all the restrictions but started smoking again with no exception, then gastric infections will again relapse again.

although neither can be said with certainly that tobacco smoke make effect infection in the stomach, it can be said that it developed emerods easier on people who smoke, then as many patient that will probably be needed surgery.

gastric infection patient should be given that smokers will get the possibility of disease complications and dissected his, this is because the smoker will more than likely experienced coughing and experiencing difficulty in the area of surgery it was.

Smoker Is Blind Of Nicotine
the famous nicotine as toxic amblyopia can occur if smoked very much, it's because of the was squeezed blood vessels in retie, which lost 18 to 40 percent of normal blood flow there after smoking in large quantities.

luckily toxic amblyopia is one peculiarity on the use of tobacco, once that smokers quit smoking, that state may be expected would show a definite improvement.

very wrong if someone says that smoking can calm nerves are strained, smoking makes a nervous one becomes more strained, the only made by smoking to man is making people more nervous, tense becomes more confused, and don't know what to do.

outstanding research conducted by Dr, Raymond Pearl in the Johns Hopkins Department of Biology has been measuring 6.813 white Americans about their habits due to this stimulating coffee so the backrest by a lot of people to learn to late at night, work or work on a task or driving a vehicle.

contrary to the laws of health and beyond our nervous energy to the point of fatigue, then frighten ourselves with the super drank coffee and smoked.

that's an article about the dangers of Tobacco to Human Life.

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