The Factor Of Modern Era To Health And Healthy Lifestyle Tips
The Cruel Invaders At Home
Cancer, heart disease and accidents are the top three on the list of the executioner of this age which became the cause of death of a human being, but there is executor the most real, actually exist in every home and every modern offices.
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the factor modern era to health |
each year the three musketeers the modern man into the 800.000 plunges the graves before his time, and 3 the executioner which exists in your home are :
because the Calendar always reminds us of the "electric account payment, payment of delinquent payment, water debt, and deadlines (the latter dates create completion).
it evokes the tension and anxiety, the calendar hangs in every home and every office might even also the kitchen, becoming an example "the ruthless invaders" for us, because the calendar gives a sense of anxious about days later.
because of the many companies of this age which should be run the phone, then the phone was seen as one of the good not to be left behind or it should not be forgotten.
but the phone can mess up the strongest nerves through, the repetitive strain come from by "cruel invader" may cause high blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers in the stomach, stones in the bile, and kidney disorders.
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then where is the wisdom that can be captured back thoughts that were destroyed and in the create melt by the sound of the phone? more power thought lost by the disruption of the phone than can be bailed out again by millions of hours of mind built.
The Sound Of Bells
harpy and oppressors or timeliness while made promises, incite us to swallow food with haste, we always went with hasty because it wanted to keep that promise because it has been in the bell by the sound alert.
and the bells are cruel invaders at home on your own, because supposedly the body enough rest and enough removing body toxins with the rest, but because of the promise we make, make us colonized by time and loss of time for rest for the sake of the health of your own body.
that's the 3 killer weapons used by modern humans to kill themselves with in civilization. each of us must learn to realize that is was all already exist that set them up, so just let it naturally we regulate our body without having to be a modern human killed by the times.
to make you be healthy and always live with the feeling of the comfort and happy life, consider the following :
5 Healthy Lifestyle Tips
1. go to bed one hour faster
this will give you the steps beginning to replace the lost power and generate extra body fitess for you in doing the job the next day.
2. wake up half an hour earlier than usual
will give it a little time to spare you can go to acativity without feeling a rush or desperate, because when we went with haste, it will result in increased firm pacemaker impulse, feeling tense muscles stomach and tensions of the muscles on the other nerves.
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3. eat a good breakfast menu
the power you need to work all day is obtained at the time of the morning meal, if your stomach feel good you will feel better throughout the day.
4. don't work or finish anything until the night
you have to take the attitude a little bit in different with work time-consuming you until midnight, do not be too earnest, learned to lean back and relax, you need a break and time to laugh a little.
if you can't finish the work today, make it as your job tomorrow, because your health is more important than your job, not only your health plays for today, but also plays for the day to come.
because a person who rarely worked late into the night rarely suffer severe diseases such as heart disease or inflammatory bowel disease 12 fingers, or inflammation of the stomach.
5. always prays in all day
prayer is the most excellent helper, as with prayer, you will always be happy by all kind of difficulty. doctors and experts of the soul already know that faith is sure and hope that the God brings to the great state of brain health as well as quieter bodies better.
therefore, let us not kill ourselves with state of civilization that, although only a few minutes to rest and adjust your way every day so that you can love your body and your life.
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