Femur Fracture - Femur Fracture Definition, Symptoms, Psychopathology, Causes And Complications Of Femur Fracture - Medical Info -->

Femur Fracture - Femur Fracture Definition, Symptoms, Psychopathology, Causes And Complications Of Femur Fracture

Femur Fracture

Fracture Femur Definition of a fracture of the femur, fracture femur is the breaking of the continuity of the femur shaft that could occur due to direct trauma (due to traffic accidents, fall from height), and are usually more experienced by adult male, broken in this area can cause bleeding and result in quite a lot of sufferers fell into shock. Please Read 4 Tips For Overcoming The Trauma Of Post Accident

Picture of Femur Fracture - Femur Fracture Definition, Symptoms, Psychopathology, Causes And Complications Of Femur Fracture

3 Causes Of Femur Fracture or Femur Fracture Etiology

According to Sachdeva (1996), the causes of the femur fracture can be divided into three, namely :

1. Traumatic Injuries

direct injury means kicking towards the bone so that the bone is broken spontaneously, beating usually lead to fracture of the transverse and uper damage to the skin.

indirect injury means a direct blow is far from the scene of the collision, for example a fall with his hands and caused a fracture of the clavicle extendable.

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a fracture caused by a sudden hard contraction of muscle strength.

2. Fracture Patologik

in this case the bone damage due to disease processes where with minor trauma can result in fracture can also occur in various circumstances.

3. Spontaneous

stress caused by spontaneous bone continuously, for example on the disease of polio and the person in charge of military .

Pathophysiology Of Fracture

the cause of the fracture in the bone is very much the cause, direct trauma, indirect trauma, or pathological conditions can cause a fracture. then the fracture can result in diskontinuitas bone and bone pragmen shift.

the bone fragments shift will result in pain in patients, one of which is the result of destruction of nerve system and its connective tissue surrounding the fracture resulting pain.

then due to diskontinuitas the bone can result in a shift of pragmen bone deformities or so will result in the disruption of organ function extremitas is concerned so that ultimately resulted in the disruption of organ function the extremities are concerned so that ultimately resulted in the mobility impaired, physically.

the result of the occurrence of diskontinuitas on the bone which then leads to changes in the network then the next impact is the occurence of laserasi skin and ultimately make damage to the integrity of the skin in the area of the fracture.

8 Sign And Symptoms Of Femur Fracture

  1. deformities
  2. ecchymosis of subcutaneous hemorrhage
  3. spasm muscle spasm involunter near the fracture
  4. tenderness or too tender
  5. pain may be caused by muscle spasme moved from its place and bone damage to structures in the adjacent area 
  6. loss of sensation (numbness, may occur from nerve damage or bleeding
  7. abnormal movements
  8. shock hipovolemik results from loss of blood

5 Supporting The Femur Fracture Examination

  1. X-rays
  2. score bone tomograhfy
  3. atelogram is suspected when there is damage to the vascular
  4. a complete blood count, ht may increase (hemokonsentrasi) or decreased (haemorrhage means on the side of a fracture or distant organs in multiple trauma) an increased number of SDP is a normal stress response after the normal.
  5. profile coagulation changes can occur in multiple transfusions of blood loss or injury to the liver

Femur Fracture Complications

as for complications of fracture that is complications that occurred immediately after the fracture between the other shock neurologik, organ damage, nerve damage or injury.

5 Nursing Of The Femur Fracture Diagnosis

  1. pain associated with muscle spasme reflected against the network of fractures or cuts operations
  2. damage to physical mobility related to pain, damage to the integrity of the bone
  3. the risk of the occurrence of shock hipovolemik associated with bleeding a lot
  4. the risk of bleeding associated with decreased tissue perfusion or interupsi blood flow
  5. the damage to the integrity of the skin is the skin of someone who experienced a change in undesirable

Management Of Nursing To Fracture

1. Reduction Of Fracture

the reduction of a fracture of a bone fragment on restoring means in the flat, rotation and anatomically. in the reduction method is the reduction of closed, traction, and the reduction of open, each selected depending the nature of the fracture.

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