Preeclampsia - Preeclampsia Definition, Complication, Symptoms And Preeclampsia Signs
What Is Preeclampsia - preeclampsia are accompanied proteinuria and edema due to pregnancy after age of 20 weeks or soon after birth. these symptoms can arise if there is 20 weeks diving disease trofoblastik.
Anatomy Physiology of The Heart
the heart is a muscular organ, in the vertebrae is responsible for pumping blood through the blood -roong heart namely :
Dextra Atrium (foyer right) : storage and dealers of blood from the veins ventricle into systemic circulation dextra and then into the lungs.
Baca Juga
Ventricular Dextra (right chambers)
Ventricular Sinistra (left the chamber)
Endokardium : a thin layer of endothelium, epithelium os unique in that line the entire circulatory system.
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The Causes Of Preeclampsia or Etiology Of Preeclampsia
1. The Cause of Preeclampsia According To The Theory :
the role of prostacyclins and trumboksanthe role of immunological factors
the role of genetic factors or familial
2. The Cause Of Preeclampsia, According To Their Risk Factors :
a. factors related to pregnancy :
- chromosome abnormalities
- pregnancy multifetus
- abnormalities of structure kongenital
b. specific maternal factor :
- the age of 20 - 30 years
- a history of preeclampsia on the family
c. specific paternal factors
- partners of men who never marry the woman who later become pregnant and experiencing preeclampsia
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The Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia
decreased renal blood flow caused by kontriksi in blood vessels that can increase the permeability of the afferen against the proteins that result in proteinuria. oliguria caused due to decrease in GFR and renal vasokontriksi.cerebral vascular resistance is always higher in patients preeclampsia or eclampsia. in patients of hypertension with no seizures, cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption is much less compared to pregnant women and there is a decrease in blood flow and increasing circulation in vascular uteroplacental prisoners in patients or preeclampsia eclampsia.
in preeclampsia there is a decrease in plasma in circulation and an increase in hematocrit where the change of principal on preeclampsia, namely experiencing spasme blood vessels need for compensation of hypertension.
with the presence of blood vessels causing spasme changes to organ among other things :
- the brain
- the kidney
- uterus
- lung
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10 Symptoms Of Preeclampsia or Clinical Manifestation of Preeclampsia
- systolic blood pressure of less than 160 mmHg
- diastolic blood pressure less than 110 mmHg
- increased levels of liver enzymes or jaundice
- more than 100,000 platelets / mm³
- oliguira more or less 400 ml/24 h
- proteinuria is less than 39/liter
- epigastrium pain
- skotoma and disorders of visual acuity or other heavy frontal functions
- retinal hemorrhage
- pulmonary edema
10 Complications Preeclampsia
- solusio placenta
- hipofibriogenemia
- hemolysis
- brain hemorrhage
- eye abnormalities
- edema of the lung
- necrosis of the liver
- hellp syndrome i.e, haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count
- kidney abnormalities
- prematuritas, dismaturitas, and fetal death intra uterin
3 Ways To Prevent Preeclampsia
- regular test antenatal and quality carefully
- should always be alert to possibility of pre-eclampsia if there are predisposing factors
- provide information about healthy life patterns.
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