Hipertiroid Definition, Hipertiroid Sign And Symptoms - Medical Info -->

Hipertiroid Definition, Hipertiroid Sign And Symptoms


Hipertiroid Definition - Hipertiroid is a metabolic imbalance is a result of excessive thyroid hormone production, hipertiroid is hypermetabolic state is caused by rising levels of T3 and free T4 are primarily hiperfungsi caused by the thyroid gland.

hipertiroid is excessive thyroid hormone expenditure estimated to occur due to abnormal stimulation of the thyroid gland by immunoglobulin blood.

Anatomy Physiology Of The Thyroid Gland

the thyroid gland consists of two lobes which are located on the right side of the trachea, bound together by thyroid tissue that crosses the trachea on the front, this gland is gland found in the lower front part of the neck, attached to a wall the larynx.

Picture Of Hipertiroid Definition, Hipertiroid Sign And Symptoms

the function of the thyroid gland produces the hormones thyroxine is that play an important role in setting the metabolism it generates, stimulating the rate-the rate of cells in the body against oxidation, do groceries, play an important role in supervision of overall metabolism.

need help with TSH thyroid hormone (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) to endocytosis colloid by microvilli, proteolytic enzymes, to break down the bonds of T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (tetraiodothyronine) of thyroglobulin to release T3 and T4.

11 Hipertiroid Signs And Symptoms Or Clinical Manifestations

  1. heart pounding fast
  2. weight decreased
  3. weak muscle weakness
  4. protruding eyeballs
  5. rapid pulse
  6. enlarged thyroid gland
  7. mucosa dry lips
  8. dry skin
  9. tremor
  10. fever and a lot of sweating

7 Causes Hipertiroid or Hipertiroid Etiology

  1. excessive thyroid hormone activity
  2. the descendants of
  3. graves disease : disease is auto immune the antibody stimulates cells to produce excess hormones
  4. consume in excess thyroid hormone medication
  5. inflammation of the thyroid gland
  6. ingestion of excessive iodine
  7. thyroid cancer

Hipertiroid Pathophysiology

hipertiroid can occur due to a variety of causes that have been described on the etiology, but hipertiroid on disease graves is a result of the TSH antibodies stimulate the thyroid activity. on goiter toxic multinodular associated with thyroid anatomy itself.

there is also hipertiroid as a result of increased secretion of TSH from hipofisis, but rarely found. hipertiroid on T3 tiroto may be caused by sikosis deiodinase T4 on the thyroid or T3 rising on a network outside of the thyroid.

on tiroto the diseiroid not like sikosis terioditis leaks hormones. the influx of thyroid hormones from the outside and there is excessive thyroid tissue can lead to ectopic tirotoksikosis without hipertiroid.

5 Complications Of Hipertiroid

  1. changes of consciousness
  2. heart disease
  3. chronic renal failure
  4. fracture
  5. thyroid crisis.

6 Examination Of Supporting Hipertiroid

  1. serum TSH
  2. T3, T4
  3. thyroid hormone blood tests
  4. CT-scan
  5. MRI
  6. ECG

6 Medical Treatment For Hipertiroid

  1. thyroid drugs : metamizol, propiltiourasil
  2. medications to control tirotoksikoz : atenolol, propanol, nadolo
  3. preparations : iodine potassium iodide, lugos
  4. a drug to destroy the thyroid gland function : radio active iodine (RAI)
  5. a diet high in calories
  6. high protein consumption

4 Ways To Prevent Hipertiroid

  1. do not drink excessive hormone drugs
  2. do not consume excess iodine
  3. do not have activity that invites excessive thyroid hormone activity
  4. the pattern of healthy living

3 Medical Action For Hipertiroid

  1. tiroidektomi subkutan : the raised portion of the thyroid gland
  2. tiroidektomi : lift up the entire thyroid gland
  3. tiroidektomi : iodine is destroyed a hyperactive thyroid gland

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