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Sinusitis - Symptoms, Signs, Pathophysiology, Complications And Causes Of Sinusitis


Sinusitis Definition - Sinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinus mucosa fit the anatomy of the affected sinus, can be divided into 4 types of sinusitis, maxillary sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoid, sphenoid and sinusitis. sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses around the nose, there can be either a maxillary sinusitis of frontal sinusitis.

Picture Of Sinusitis - Symptoms, Signs, Pathophysiology, Complications And Causes Of Sinusitis

sinusitis can be acute or chronic ale takes place. it can be about kids who've grown bigger, but in pranasal has been developing sinusitis in children aged 6-11 years. and sinusitis is inflammation of the sinus infection disease caused by a germ or virus sinusitis in the nasal cavity.

Anatomy Physiology Sinusitis

a. the olfactory tool

olfactory tool found in the nasal cavity contained in olfactorius of the brain nerves, nerve fibers is embossed on the top of the mucous membranes of the nose and in canal with olfactory.

b. the process of smell

the smell that goes into the nasal cavity will stimulate nerve (nervus olfactorius) of bulbus olfaktorius, an intermediate connection station until you reach the end of the  reception area in the center of olfactorius on brain lobe temporalis where that feeling interpreted.

c. the olfactory abnormalities in

1. sense of smell will become weak if the mucous membranes are very dry, wet or swell like a state of influenza.

2. sense of smell will disappear altogether due to complications from an injury on the head

d. konka nasalis

consists of a fold of mucous membrane, at the peak there were nerves of smell, if we breathe with the nose. and we smell something in the air, the air we breathe or our suction through the upper parts of the nasal cavity.
Konka nasalis superior
Konka nasalis media
konka nalasis inferior

around the nasal cavity there is cavity a small cavity called sinus-paranasalis consisting of :
maxillary sinus cavity : bones
sinus nasalis
sinus frontalis : found in the bones of the forehead and sinus cavity mucous membrane is covered, if not be flowing out would be sinusitis.

e. difference between olfaction and tasting tool

1. olfactory substance rate tool far, whereas tools taster determines a substance that is located in the oral cavity.

2. olfactory tool can specify a myriad assortment of flavors, while for the taster can define 4 different flavors.
3. tools required to smell chemical substances, whereas tools taster is not required for chemical substances.

9 Signs And Symptoms Of Sinusitis

  1. cough
  2. fever, nasal congestion
  3. yellow mucus coming out
  4. easily tired
  5. face feels the pain
  6. hyposmia
  7. headache
  8. experiencing sinus imflamasi
  9. swollen and red

3 Causes Of sinusitis Or Etiology Of Sinusitis

1. viral infections, nasal polyps, foreign materials, dental abscess, tumors of the nasopharynx
2. acute bacterial haemophilus : influenzae and moraxella catarrhalis
3. bacterial chronicles : anaerobic, streptococcus milleri, mycobacterium bacilli and fungi.

Pathophysiology Of Sinusitis

sinus health is influenced by potential ostium-ostium sinus klirens and fluency of mukosiliar in complex osteomeatal (KOM). besides mucus also contains antimicrobial substances and substances that serve as a defense against germs that go along with respiratory air

when the infection of organs that form the KOM edema, thus experiencing the mucisa dealing will bump into each other. this will cause the Cilia can't move and also cause blockage of ostium. this led to a negative pressure in the sinus cavity which causes the occurrence of sinus drainage inhibition or transudate.

the initial effect brought about a serious fluid discharge is considered a non bacterial sinusitis can be recover without treatment. if sinusitis is not cured, then sinus secretions accumulated on this will be media patents for growing and multiplication of bacteria and secretions will turn into purulent feses called acute sinusitis bakterialis that require antibiotic therapy.

if this then state inadequate therapy can be continued, the hypoxia and bacterial anerob'll be growing, this situation causes the namely of chronicle changes mucosa hypertherapi, polypoid or the formation of polyps and cysts.

5 Complications Of sinusitis

  1. mils edema reaction
  2. cellulitis orbita
  3. periosteal abscess
  4. abscess orbita
  5. cavernous sinus thrombosis

5 Examination Of Supporting Sinusitis

  1. anterior rinoskopi
  2. a sinus X-Ray
  3. MRI
  4. lavase antrum
  5. anterskopi and biopsy

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