Tuberculosis (TB) - Definitions, Pathophysiology, Complications, Prevent And Tuberculosis Symptoms - Medical Info -->

Tuberculosis (TB) - Definitions, Pathophysiology, Complications, Prevent And Tuberculosis Symptoms

Tuberculosis (TB) or Pulmonary TB

What Is Tuberculosis - Tuberculosis is a disease to germ Mycobacterium tuberculosis system so it can be about all organs, with most locations in the lungs which is usually the location of the primary infection. Please Read Germs - Germ Definitions And Why Being The Main Enemy Of Human

Picture of Tuberculosis (TB) - Definitions, Pathophysiology, Complications, Prevent And Tuberculosis Symptoms

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease that mainly attacks the lungs parenkim tuberculosis can also be transmitted to other body parts, especially death, kidney, bones and lymph node.

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5 Tuberculosis Symptoms And Signs

  1. not too high fever that lasts a long time, usually in the evening accompanied by cool sweat
  2. decreased appetite
  3. weight decreased
  4. coughing over 3 weeks (can be accompanied by blood)
  5. malaise

4 The Causes Of Tuberculosis (TB) or Tuberculosis Etiology

  1. tubercle bacilli
  2. mycobacterium africanum
  3. mycobacterium bovis
  4. mycobacterium non-tuberculosis

Pathophysiology Of Tuberculosis (TB)

the disease of tuberculosis or TB is usually transmitted through the air that is contaminated with the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis is released at a time when Tuberculosis sufferers cough. when mycobacterium tuberculosis managed to infect the lungs, then immediately going to grow colonies of bacteria that form a globular (rounded).

usually through a series of immunological reactions to this TB bacteria will attempt to attack through the establishment of the wall, this makes the surrounding tissue become scar tissue and TB bacteria will become dormant (resting). these forms of dormant (resting) this is actually looking as the tubercles on the examination of X-Rays.

5 Examination Of Supporting Tuberculosis

1. test serologis
2. radiologic examinations
3. be bacteriologically examination :

  • examination of blood
  • examination of the sputum

4. bronchography
5. pulmonary infection test

6 Of Complications From Tuberculosis (TB)

  1. bronchiectasis
  2. pneumotorak
  3. spread of infection to other organs
  4. collapse of the lobe due to retraksi kronchial
  5. the damage of heavy parenkim
  6. carcinoma of the lung

8 How To Prevent Tuberculosis (TB)

  1. immunization BGC given 3-14 month old baby
  2. avoid cold air
  3. try incoming air and sunlight to taste into the room
  4. drying pillow, mattress, pillow case and bad especially early in the morning
  5. the goods must be used seperately as well as when washing it
  6. food should be high in carbohydrates and proteins
  7. shut your mouth at a time coughing and sneezing
  8. do not spit.

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