Contraceptive Drugs - Side Effects And A Variety Of Contraceptives - Medical Info -->

Contraceptive Drugs - Side Effects And A Variety Of Contraceptives

Contraceptive Drugs - Side Effects And A Variety Of Contraceptives

Contraceptive Drug Definition - contraceptive is an attempt to prevent pregnancy, either temporary or settled, it can be done without the use of tools, or use any tools or drugs or with surgery.

Picture Of Contraceptive Drugs - Side Effects And A Variety Of Contraceptives

The Reason Of Use Contraception

  1. delaying pregnancy (minimum 2 years)
  2. give a distance of pregnancy
  3. stop pregnancy
  4. in order to have time to take care of mother health yourself, children and families.

The Contraception Various

1. Nature Contraception

  • periodic abstinence
  • cervical mucus method
  • the basal body temperature method

Baca Juga

2. News Contraception

  • condoms
  • diaphragm
  • contraception in the womb (AKDR)
  • medications spermicide

AKDR Example :

  1. TCu 380A
  2. TCu 200C
  3. Nova T, etc.

Spermicide Example

Ovula Example :
  • lorofin
  • rendel

Jelly Example :
  • perseptin
  • orthogynol 
  • delfen

Foam Tablets Example :
  • sampoon
  • volpar
  • Syn-A-Gen

Tissue contraception : -

3. Steady Contraceptives :

  • tubectomy (MOW)
  • vasectomy (MOP)

4. Hormonal Contraceptives :

  • pills
  • syringe
  • Norplant implant 

A. Oral Contraceptive

oral contraceptives or known by the contraceptive pill, generally in the form of tablets containing the hormones estrogen and progestin.

The Working Mechanism Of Oral Contraceptives

contraceptive medicines can be prevention of ovulation by way of inhibiting the secretion of FSH and LH, pressing likely ova implanted in the endometrium, or increase the viscosity of mucus in the cervix.

How To Use Oral Contraceptives

1. The Tablet With Cycle of 21 - 22 Day

the first drink tablets started today to 5 day menstrual cycle, taken one at a time, until depleted. until the next drink packaging started day 5 of menstruation, and repeated constantly.

2. The Tablet With The Cycle of 28 Days

the first drink tablets started today to 5 day menstrual cycle, taken one at a time, until it runs out. the next drink packaging after the first bottled up, and repeated constantly.

Side Effects of Contraceptive Drugs

1. genital-urinary tract against :amenorea after medications, irregular bleeding (spotting)
2. against the breast : a sense of sick, gets larger, release the secretions
3. towards a channel of digestive tract : nausea, vomiting
4. towards cardiovascular : thrombosis, increasing blood pressure
5. against the skin : erythema or itch
6. against : any discomfort on the cornea when using contact lens
7. towards the central nervous system (CNS) : headache, migraine, change of passion
8. Other : fluid retention, weigh changes

Contraceptive Drugs When Interacting With Other Medications

  • The contraceptive pill with antibiotics : the effect of contraceptive pills can be reduced
  • The Contraceptive pills with Anticoagulants : anticoagulant effect may be reduced
  • The contraceptive pill with anti copulation : effect of the contraceptive pill or anti convuli can be reduced.
  • The contraceptive pill with anti depressants : antidepressant effect may increase
  • The contraceptive pill with barbiturates : effect of the contraceptive pill can be reduced
  • The contraceptive pill with Corticosteroids : corticosteroids effects can be reduce
  • The contraceptive with caffeine : caffeine effects can be increased
  • The contraceptive pill with pyridoxine : effect of pyridoxine may be reduce
  • The contraceptive pill with high doses of vitamin C : the effect of the contraceptive pill can increase.

B. Contraceptive Hypodermic

contraceptive injection are contraception drugs given through injection intra muscular. based on its content, there are two kinds of contraception hypodermic, namely :
1. The dope prov-era, a progestin : depo geston, noristerat, depo progestin.
2. The Progestin with estrogen propinate : cylo provera, cyclofem.

How To Use Contraception Hypodermic

injection given in intra muscular started day 3 up to 5 post childbirth, or soon after a miscarriage, or at intervals of five first day of menstruation. as for granting cycle injection depending on the type of drugs used, namely :

1. Cyclofem : every 1 month
2. Noristerat : every 2 months
3. Depo Provera : every 3 months

C. Implant Rapid Diagnostic Tests

implant rapid diagnostic tests is contraception is 5 years old, consists of 6 capsules each of silicon contains 36 mg of levonorgestrel, input under the skin, the installation should abort during menstruation, after, or while breastfeeding. 

D. Implanon Contraception

implanon contraceptive is a 3 year old, long white rod-shaped 40 mm with a diameter of 2 mm, containing a 3 ketone-desogestrel, input under the skin.

How To Delay Or Stop of Pregnancy

For Husband

  • husbands wear condoms every sexual intercourse

For Wife

  • his wife drank the contraceptive pill per day on a regular basis, during breastfeeding the mother then suggested using contraceptive pills.
  • the wife can also use contraception hypodermic
  • or wife can use contraceptives in arms with fitted pegs
  • the wife can be mounted in the uterus contraceptive implant 

The Purpose Of Sterilization 

  • if the number of children is enough and do not want to have more children, then the husband's sperm ducts in the belt or cut (method of surgery in men)
  • or by doing how to channel the egg's wife in the belt, or in a pinch or cut (method of surgery on a woman).

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