The Workings Mechanism Of Histamin And Working Mechanism Of Antihistamines - Medical Info -->

The Workings Mechanism Of Histamin And Working Mechanism Of Antihistamines

The Workings Mechanism Of Histamine And Working Mechanism Of Antihistamines

Histamin And Anti Histamin

Histamine is a Amen vegetables found in 1907 and is the product of the amino acid exchanges Histidin. this substance changes take place within networks in enzymes. almost all organs and tissues contain histamine in circumstances bound and inactive, are mainly found in certain cells (master-cells). the corpulent cells found in : mucous membranes of eyes, nose, respiratory tract, lips and skin.

Picture Of The Workings Mechanism Of Histamin And Working Mechanism Of Antihistamines

From Master cells, Histamine can be delivered by a variety of factors, including :

  • the influence of UV rays from the Sun
  • the influence of certain substances (poison snakes, wasps, medicine, and others)
  • the influence of thermal or mechanical or weather.

How It Work Action Or Mechanism Of Histamine

the workings of the histamine is almost the same with protagladin, namely forward certain stimulation of master-cells to surrounding cells. the effect of the deliverance of histamine, among others are as follows :

  • the contraction of smooth muscles bronchi, intestine and uterus
  • vasodilatory all blood vessels with a reduction of blood pressure
  • enlarge the permeability of capillary so edema mucous and development
  • stengthen the secretion of salivary glands, tears, and stomach acid
  • nerve and stimulation so that it feels itching.

Baca Juga

This from of immunity depends on the roles of the two types of lymphocytes (T-cells and B-cells), namely :

1. cellular immunity jawani T-cell 9thymus dependent lymphocytes)

these lymphocytes are formed in the bone marrow and lymphoid organ in the activation in the Thymus (the gland nut). the function of the T-cells are rid of all foreign substances into the body, where the T-cells turn into limfoblast or bring in macrophages to destroy "enemy's" (foreign substances).

2. Humeral Immunity through the B-cells (lymphocytes dependent exchanges)

these lymphocytes are formed in the bone marrow. but its activities take place in the bursa of fabricius (lymphoid organs). B-cells to from certain proteins called antibodies, as soon as a foreign substances (antigen) enter into the blood stream.

can be formed 5 types of antibodies or, namely type G, A, D, e type's called IgG, Igm, IgD, and IgE, depending of antigens into the body.

Allergic Reactions Caused By Histamine

when a foreign protein (antigen) enter repeatedly into the bloodstream of someone that talented hypersensitive (heredity), then B-cells will form the antibody type E(IgE), that will be committing yourself in master-cells.

when the same antigen enters into the body, then there was a merger between the antigen with IgE and cause allergic reactions, that master-cells broke a released histamine.

Symptoms Of An Allergic Reaction :

  1. itching
  2. eczema
  3. colds and expansion of the nasal mucous
  4. watery eyes and mucous eyes expansion
  5. narrowing of the bronchi
  6. anaphylactic reactions.

It An Allergic Reaction :

Allergic Type I (immediate) or reaction anaphylaxis

anaphylactic reactions are joining IgE antigen bound to master-cells, then master-cells ruptured and released histamine, such as : asthma, allergy to pollen, allergies to medications, allergies to food, insect stings, due to allergies and others.

Type II allergies or cytotoxic reaction

cytotoxic reaction of the antigen is committing yourself on cell membrane if the antigen IgG or IgM joined then the cell will be destroyed (lysis), e.g. leukopenia, anemia, hemotytic.

Type III Allergy or reaction to Arthur or also called immune- complexion disease

Arthur's reaction or disease immun complexion antigen is joining IgM formed a complex that commiting yourself in between other cells of kidneys, lungs and joints, so the activation of complement (complex of proteins in the blood) and happens to the release of toxic substance. for example : serum disease and lupus erymatodes (LE)

Type IV Allergy (delayed) hypersensitivity reaction or slow

hypersensitivity reactions slow is antigen consists of a complex of protein and a hap-ten, who reacted with lymphocytes that already desensitization. lymphocytes will release the active mediator giving rise to skin reactions like eczema.


Antihistamines Definition - antihistamines are substances that can reduce or inhibit the effects of excessive receptors histamine by blocking receptors-histamine. known two types antihistamine i.e. H1-H2 blockers and beta-blockers.

Type Of Antihistamines

1. H1 Antihistamine

H1 blockers or who block H1-receptors with be smal effect : the bronchi, intestine, uterus, and sensitization of nerve end (hives), vasodilatory vessels, increase permeability of the blood vessels and others.

2. H2 Antihistamine

H2 blockers or specifically block the receptors-H2 with hyper secretion effect on stomach acid.

The Use Of Antihistamine -H1 :

  1. the nonprofit asthma allergy
  2. allergic rhinitis
  3. insect stings
  4. urticaria (chilblains)
  5. lack of appetite
  6. as a sedative and hypnotic
  7. parkinson's disease
  8. headache because along the journey

7 Side effects Of Antihistamine

  1. the effect of hypnotic sedative-  hypnotic effect- sedative is most often the case, this effect is strongest on prometazin and difenhidramin and rather light on d-klorfeniramin and mebhidrolin as well as don't happen and terfenadin astemizol.
  2. other central effects
  3. like other central effects ; dizziness-headache, restlessness. a sense of fatigue, lethargy and tremor
  4. experiencing stomach disorders-bowel
  5. side effect of antihistamines is one of them by increasing the desire to eat and accompanied with increased weight.
  6. a side effect of antihistamines is one of them by increasing the desire to eat and accompanied with increased weight.
  7. effect of Terathology siklizin, meklozin and klorsiklin have been demonstrated in animal experiments, so it is not recommended for pregnant women.

H1- Antihistamine Categorization

1. Have Etanolamin :  

a. difenhidramin : Benadryl 
this has an effect sedative antihistamines, spasmolitic, anti- Emetic, and anti-vertigo (dizzy), also used as a anti itching due to allergies.

Dose : 
oral : 4x a day @ 25-50 mg
iv : 10-50 mg

b. dimenhidrinat : Dramamine
special use on travel due to drunkenness and vomiting at the time of pregnancy.

Dose : oral 4x a day @50-100 mg.

2. Have Etilendiamin  

a. antazolin : antisin
power the antihitamine less powerful but does not stimulate the mucous membranes, thus widely used as a anti-allergy on the eyes and nose.

Dose : 1-4 times a day @ 50-100 mg

b. klemizol 
klemizol used in anti-cold combination preparations (Acura-schering) and salves supp anti-hemorrhoids (scheriproct, ultra-protect).

3. Have Propilamin 

a. feniramin : avail
this substance has the effect of relieving cough so often combined in cough medicine

Dose : 3x a day @12.5-25 mg

b. klorfeniramin 
klorfeniramin are substances that have two forms, namely the dexklorfeniramin) and mixed form (dl).

Dose : form-d (polaramin) : 3-4 times a day @2 mg.
Form (CTM) dl : 3-4 times a day @ 3-4 mg.

4. Have Trisiklik Other :

a. siproheptadin : pron-icy 
this substance has the side effect well as appetite increase antihistamines are also widely used as a drug appetite enhancer.

Dose : 3 times a day @4 mg

b. ketotifen zaditen :  
this substances has the effect of stabilization against master-cells so it is recommended as a preventive asthma.

Dose : 2 times a day @1-2mg.

5. Have Piperazin 

a. siklizin : mar-zine
this substance can be used as anti-rheumatism, but because it has the effect of Teratology, then since January 1963 was banned again. 

b. sinarizin : stugeron
this substance can be used as a cure dizziness-headache and ear buzzing cure (vertigo, tinnitus)

Dose : 2-3 times a day @25-50 mg

6. Have Fenotiazin :

a. prometazin : phenergan
this substance is widely used  on allergic reactions due to insects and plants.

Dose : 25-50mg, 3 times a day 

b. isotipendil : andantol
this substance works shorter comparison prometazin with sedative effects.

Dosage : 3-4 times a day @4-8 mg

7. Non Sedative Substances :

a. terfenadin : Aldan  
this substance is widely used on allergic rhinitis and other allergic reactions, start it works quickly and cam last up to 8 hours.

Dose : 2 times a day @60 mg.

b. astemizol : hismanal
this compound is a strong antihistamine defenseless without side effects, its use is the same as terfenadin with longer work period.

Dose : 1 time a day @10 mg.

8. Other

a. mebhidrolin : incidal
Dose : 2-3 times a day @50 mg

b. dimentinden : fenistil  
Dose : 3 times a day @ 1-2 mg.

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