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What Is X-Ray And Who Is Inventor Of X-Rays


X-rays were discovered in Germany in 1895 by Wilhelm X-Rays and that is why the X-Rays have X-rays are called. X-Rays are the rays that his nature could be penetrated as much as rays of light, the difference with the beam of light is on the wavelength and the difference in voltage, the shortest wave of an x-ray beam tube may be about between 1/15.000 until 1/ 1.000.000 length of light green.

Picture Of What Is X-Ray And Who Is Inventor Of X-Rays

the X-rays can penetrate solid material that might not be penetrated by the light is good, because x-rays have short waves, the shorter the a wave, then the greater the translucent Power.

X-rays beams produced in an X-ray tube, Air be pomp out of this tube until the remaining less than 1/100,000,000 of the original amount. in the tube, usually made of glass, there are two types of electrodes, electrodes to the one called "cathode" and electrically-powered negative electric. 

at the cathode is made of a lit tungsten wire that can be heated by electrical current so that the electrons can flow out. the second electrode called "anode" or "target". 

the electrons move from the cathode to the anode target or with remarkable speed, due to the difference between the cathode and the anode that, they are moving to the target speed hover around 60,000 to 175,000 miles per second.

the anode can consists of a tungsten wire wave or a wheels who in tungsten wire twirled. the intent is to hold a surprise with the electrons that, most of the energy of the electrons is transformed into heat, but most also be radiation-X that appears through a window are essentially as x-rays.

have you ever admires X-ray portrait section that at the time of describe to the bones in your body? images produced by X-ray beams that constitute a "shadowgraph" or "shadow portrait". X-ray beam that penetrates our body parts are highlighted and reflection on a negative film, that film is coated with a kind of sensitive emulsion on both sides, after the portrait was taken, the film is wasted as it does on a regular portrait of film making.

the bones and other objects that could not be easy penetrated by X-rays that reflection is more thick and appears in the movie as a bright picture.

now the rays are X-rays play an important role in medicine, science, industry, and is one of the most useful tools for human beings.

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