5 Benefits Of Sports And A variety Of Sport That You Can Do At Home - Medical Info -->

5 Benefits Of Sports And A variety Of Sport That You Can Do At Home

A healthy body means a sport, but that does not mean you have to direct the nation basketball team list or go to the sports centre for fitness, sports you can do yourself at home without the need to spend a lot of money, before doing the exercise, please you prepare your music and see the benefits in the following sports : 

Tae Bo Sport

Benefits Of Sport :
1. increase the body's metabolism and body become more calories can be burned every day.
2. increase the thickness of the body and gives extra energy so that your body is not easily tired.
3. strengthen the muscles and maintain the shape of the muscle.
4. help lose weight and can form the body.
5. prevent and eliminate stress. 

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A Variety Of Sports That You Can Do At Home : 

Tae Bo
Tae Bo is a combination of material sports in motion (material arts), dance, stretching and boxing, plus music zing that makes you, Tae Bo create by Billy Blanks, a Tae Kwon Do athlete,  Tae Bo improve balance. coordination, and flexibility of the body, as well as strengthen muscles, especially the are around the belly. 

Tae Bo is not material sports, because it does not use the opponents, in addition to effectively burn fat and calories, Tae Bo also made all parts of your body actively moving.

Aerobic means oxygen, aerobic gymnastics is a gymnastics so that movement is spurred heart, lungs and blood vessels, making aerobic gymnastics can launch circulation of oxygen throughout the the body. 

aerobic gymnastics begins with warming up so that your body is ready to do exercise and in the end by cooling to decrease speed heart rate, for more excitement, it is recommended you choose the music you like, to support you do aerobic gymnastics, for example Hip Hop music or music R&B or disco music. 

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in Sanskrit, Yoga means oneness, yoga is the Union of the body, mind and soul, there are 5 important elements in yoga : breathing, posture, relaxation, a healthy diet and positive thinking and meditation. in addition to increasing strength and suppleness of body, yoga can also relieve stress and can grow to heal disease. 

Pilates is an exercise whose purpose is to increase flexibility and strength throughout the body without making the body into a big and muscular, this exercise uses a special tool that focuses on the power of the stomach, back and buttocks, Pilates can also help improve the balance of the body and mind. 

Body Language
Body language is the gymnastics to form specific body parts and get a good posture, basic gymnastics movements this is stretching, and breathing and contractions, because the focus is the establishment of a body part, gymnastics is less appropriate for teenager who is still in its infancy, if you want to do gymnastics this body language, we recommend that you wait until your body has finished growing. 

8 Tips Before Doing Sports :
1. select a comfortable and simple shirts, use shirts that can absorb sweat, as well as use bras and special shoes for sports. 

2. to do the exercise, you need energy, so eat enough food before you do exercise, select foods that contain carbs so easy to digest. 

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3. drink water before and after workouts to replace fluids lost during your workouts. 

4. star with a warm-up exercise so that your body is ready to do sports and to reduce injuries. 

5. do the exercises slowly according to you desire and ability, never forcing yourself to do the sport that you do not like because it could lead to injuries, doing exercises three times a week.  

6. do the exercises under the supervision of an instructor or at least read the guidebook or by viewing the video tutorial. 

7. and the workout with cooling and stretching for 0-5 minutes so that your muscles can relax after hard work. 

8. give it time to see the effect of exercise for your body, as this in not an instant, so waiting the results after  a few weeks.

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