Bacteria And Where The Bacteria Is From - Medical Info -->

Bacteria And Where The Bacteria Is From

What Is Bacteria

Bacteria are living beings or organisms so small sake that bacteria cannot be seen with the eye without the use of additional tools, because it is very small the bacteria can only be seen used microscopes enlarge its size being a few hundred times, which is why bacteria is also called "micro-organisms".

Picture of Bacteria And Where The Bacteria Is From

long before man got to see bacteria that, people already know the results of the work of the bacteria, for example, people know that the wine is fermented being or turned into such a sour taste, sour milk can be addict, while plants and animals which die become decayed.

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however, this event connects people with belief in superstition or they are religious belief, but now we know that bacteria that are around us, bacteria reproduce by means of splitting it self into two, there is no gender difference among bacteria.

when the bacteria were met with a profitable environment and food to live, then the bacteria will multiply and continuously do reproduce themselves.

the bacteria have only one cell, which is more similar to animal cells than plants cells, on the outside, the bacteria were encased by a sort of skin that we call the "outer membrane", but its nature is not waterproof.

this means that the water could have seeped through that membrane, the interior consists of a substance called "protoplasm". and usually do not have a central point or nucleus.

the outer membrane that is very important, for each chemical substance that people use to kill bacteria that should be able to seep past the outer membrane surrounding the cell next to it, in a kind of mucous substance contained bacteria that could vary in shape and often forms a subtle sort of tail yarn, fluffy tail is called "flagella".

bacteria can move even through the bacteria had no legs, a number of bacterial flagella flick way moving with him, while the other way moves with retracts and elongation of their cells, as we see how the worms move.

as we know, the bacteria that causes the disease that we call "infection", but the bacteria can also credited and is very useful for the benefit of mankind.

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