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Menstruation - Regularity And How To Cope Of Menstruation Pain

Menstruation and the age of the start of the menstrual period on someone girls vary widely, some older women still sits in the base, the other was fourteen of fifteen years before they begin to menstruate.

menstruation and regularity and how to cope of menstruation

start menstruation be s sign that the cycle of ovulation (release of an egg) has begun. hormones associated with the release of the egg or ovum from ovary each month also prepare the lining of the uterus that has been fertilized eggs received, if fertilization does not occur, the lining of the uterus is removed (again under the control of hormones "chemical messenger boy" in the blood) in the form of a monthly period.

Regularity Of Menstruation
for the first year or two, this periodic release of the uterine lining may be irregular and there may be a few months without menstrual periods. this need not be troubled. in most girls, this period would then be regularly even though many of the women who got the always irregular menstruation.

the amount of blood lost during each menstrual period also varies as does the length of time of menstruation. long an average menstrual cycle and the entire five-day average of twenty-eight days, but this cycle also varies is clear from median at many women, but once formed a rhythm, it's probably being a benchmark special for young women.

Menstrual Pain
many women have never had a loss of menstruation;the other suffer from varying degrees of pain. menstrual pain can begin in the first year of menstruation. there are basic type of menstrual pain due or dysmennorrhea, given a proper name:

Spasmodic Dismenor
as pictured, the name is a spasmodic dismenor spasmodic pin which usually arise unexpectedly as spasms and makes the women feel pain, and usually will be going pale in the face and suffered pain in the stomach.
the best treatment is to lay down a half hour with a bottle of warm water in the stomach that feels pain, drinking aspirin or paracetamol. usually after this time, the worst spasms will pass and return activity.

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Baca Juga

Dysmenorrhea Congestive
dull pain is in the lower part of the abdomen and back as well as tend to arise one or two days before the start of menstruation, along with the repair fast in feeling after the beginning of menstrual blood flow, regardless of how his reticent sufferers made a number of the motion of the body, this is a real, really one of the best car for circulation. this type of pain is not so acute as the kind of spasmodic, but he can make life unpleasant for one or two days.

sometimes spending excessive menstrual blood became an issue in the beginning years. if it continues for some time, to look for a medical solution; if not, then the sufferer will experience anemia through spending excessive blood continuously, usually a hormonal tablet for a few month will correct this problem.

menstruation for most older women is sign that they are growing, in addition to the feeling of being not confident, they do not face another issue as long as the overall process and what occurred is explained carefully before the first menstruation to occur.

for young women who have received this information, then what happened is just another stage in the growth of young adult women. for young women who did not get the preparation before menstruation was first, then the menstruation would be a scary thing and be a traumatic experience.

the mothers who feel the confusion about how to deliver this vital information on the child's nail a can be greatly assisted by one of the many books that describe this subject.

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