How To Avoid Diabetes And Hypertension With Natural Way - Medical Info -->

How To Avoid Diabetes And Hypertension With Natural Way

How To Avoid Diabetes And Hypertension

It seems that we need to take a moment to reflect on what is a healthy, a lot of people come to see a doctor in state of "battered". that means, at least they've been affected by stroke or stroke kidney failure or affixes with narrowing of the heart coroner plus a "bonus" of other diseases.

Picture Of How To Avoid Diabetes And Hypertension With Natural Way

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of course all cases originated from the simple fact of the case i.e, hypertension and diabetes. then, there is also a misdperception regarding the function of acute medicine, many patient admitted to medical treatment since it was first convicted of a disease.

then many patients when asked about "the purpose of medical treatment", they said "yes, that recovered from the illness he suffered", but why if cured they still consume drugs? the bonus can be even more severe disease? here's the answer.

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How To Treat Diabetes And Hypertension By Understanding The Body

a brief explanation of the above, it should open your eyes will be the difference between a "treatable" and "cured".

as a consumer of your health, of course you're asking "do i have to get right, i.e. a description at length why i got sick? it is impossible, if one can avoid the same problem, when the cause is never understood.

all else was already doing surgery or stents, the installation of expensive rings make the large of coroner heart blood vessels, 2 or 3 years later still would be no blood vessels, the heart of the other dead are threatened. it is not impossible, if this time the patient needed a by-pass surgery!.

already ambush paradigm and indeed the scheme "nourish" that there is in community. but 99,9% of out genetic structure is still exactly the same as early humans, however, the way of life we have 99,9% change in total.

so better? it didn't, the more problems arise, ranging from the shifting nature of the disease, which is growing, and the life expectancy age "he said" longer, not along with a better quality of life.

if we go back in time 50 years ago, that moment when someone is declared healthy at age 70 years, chances are he is truly healthy, now it is almost difficult to find people above the age of 50, which is absolutely not taking medication of hypertension, decreased cholesterol or blood sugar, blood thinning, even soporific.

are all called to live healthier? even now there is a new "labels" for women above 45 years to 50 years. they make we are panic with condition that causes postmenopausal  bone loss and premature aging, who else is doing, if not the party that sold the "technology solutions" of this century?.

so stop denying, then what to do? many. when the body feels pain or a series of other symptoms that can be checked starting from a wide range of modern equipment. actually our agency are screaming about the in justice that you have done. so stop dampen cries of it with drugs, instead, begin to understand the reason behind it.

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The Process Of Denial In Suffering A Disease

in the world of all-round fear of pain, the man was educated as if it's still, in fact, no matter if give birth without pain.

this denial that is second to none, notability and greatness of a mom to be able to cope with the pain and struggle is a metaphor of the life process.

in the middle of everything is a versatile machine, organic body and (in fact) "living being" else denied. it is like people have forgotten, it is different with cars, just imagine, the car another scratched will remain etched in color, without action then the car will stay scratched forever.

but if the scratched skin nail, or etched wire fences can be recovered perfectly within a little over a month! this is the essence of the real life of the man, whose name has the ability of self healing, self-repairing, and self-regenerating on its own.

the denial of this capability are not realized  makes us treat the body like a car! then why people are hypertension or people suffering from diabetes can not be cured naturally?. why the "crust" thickening of the wall of the blood vessels of the heart nor could erode itself?

the answer is located in denial anymore, does have also rejected the side of nature of the world? do you eat according to which the body need or that you eat as you like? what percentage of your daily foods uncontaminated intervention technology?

do not treat the human body that is not a "non-technological products", such as the engine is running. very wrong if it happens, people will get caught up in the loop technology : what caused by technology, must also be resolved through those lines.

during this time, that's what happened in the world of health, when the drug doesn't work, certainly medical technology into the answer. usually, all will culminate in the ICU room, finally, the human will "die" as well.

in an attached hose, connect the machine and electricity, whereas, if the review from the outset, all originated from the diabetic issues which should be resolved with styling your lifestyle and diet.

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all the doctors ever tell, what is a row of "diseases" due to lifestyle, but the first goal was struggling and guide patients in the corridors of the lifestyle, even the patient room escape practice with prescription drugs containing a bag.

How To Treat The Disease With Back To Nature

the physical nutrients and what being human food is the main thing that needs to be in understood, each time one input something into the body, remember : there are no man-made equals the ability God made man.

very amusingly, when it is said that bottled juice already out away from the original fruit is still associated with the fruit, in fact, it's original fibrous fruit and has the complete enzyme, however, of course without the process of factory and without taste boosters will hold in a layered aluminum box for 3 months!.

more tragic when it is said again, drinking milk healthy body {according to the science of "ancient"), whereas, in addition to nutritional composition that was destroyed as a result of the process of sterilization and pasteurization, the cow it self is no longer eating grass.

as a result, the body of a cow prion produces it's potential, due made pellet feed, this is one of the greatest denial of the natural order, cow's milk actually poor amino will be needed by the body for the growth of the human brain, never had land again to grow vegetables because their land is up made for housing and golf course.

so, where can the worm eggs clinging to leaf vegetables? in fact, now the technique of hydroponic and aeroponic green house make vegetables grow more green and more.

the most pitiful denial is more afraid of people with such issues and is no longer consume raw food, rather than "suicide" with a spoon and fork at the dinner table, they prefer to chews strange food consumption and  man made the farther away from nature, until when you will separate the body from nature?

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