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Anatomy, Physiology And Human Nerve Tissue

Neural Network Humans
Neural networks consist of nerve cells that were long and smooth, natural protoplast cells nucleus had a rather thick. nerve cells form like stars, had a long tail. dendrite lanceolate, short cells are usually a lot, more than one function to deliver stimuli from the outside into the cell.

neurit lanceolate, long nerve cells and smooth, the protoplasma delivers the stimulation of body cells to the outside of the cell. neurit sheathed by a membrane called the membrane Schwan (neuroloma), part of the membrane it is called myelin.

there are many neurit outside central nerves, sometimes getting to the skin. the cell body is only found in some places especially in the brain and sum-sum of the spine. sometimes the branch of a neuron neurit adjacent or circular in the other cells of the body, this state is called the synapse.

nerves cells or neurons that are long and smooth shape resembles that of a star, had a tail that is made up of two parts namely cell body and tail cells. cells contained within the body of protoplasm wich contains smooth fibers called neurofibril. on the protoplasm of cell bodies there are core and small objects called entities that Nissel point as the place of supply of energy.

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endoneurium is nerve fibers are collected into one or a collection of nerve cells surrounded by connective tissue. each group becomes and emblem surrounded by connective tissue called the perineurium.

anatomi, physiology and human nerve tissue
human nerve tissue

some of the King's it collected into a neural network bounded by kat strong called the epineurium some of the nerves in the spinal cord ae gathered into a clump of nerve, called the nerve trunk is warapped by a strong connective tissue called the endoneurium.

A Variety Of Nerves :
motor nerves (nerves movers), carry the stimulation the brain and spinal cord towards muscles and glands, muscles stiffen and consequently the gland secretes mucilage.
sensory nervs ( the nerves of taste), the nerves that carry the stimulation from the outside towards the centre.

Elements Of Neural Network :

  1. the items in gray
  2. element white of nerve fiber
  3. the supporting cells are a type of neuroglia are found in the nervous system that gathers and prop up the nerve cells

The Nature Of Protoplasm On Neurons
irritability : the capacity to give an answer (response) against physical and chemical stimuli with the beginning of an impulse.

neurons are easily aroused and easily react to stimuli. the stimulus had occasional contact with the liother called Synapse, neurons have cell bodies, major perikarion contains the mean cells, and has one or more branches o a sleek, namely :
Dendrite : branched with perikarion form the major areas to receive stimuli look breathing synapse of nerve cells as well as the other branches.

axon (neurit) : slimmer than the projections, only one out of every body cell called branched axons. collateral that can spread the stimulation of nerve cells or other tissues (muscles and glands)

types of neuron generally appears as unipolar, bipolar, pseudopolar, and multi-polar depending of the amount of the dendrit, the smaller neurons the dendrit towards all directions are called stelata.

the cerebrum cortex pyramid cells have one apical dendrite, dendrite branching four or more out of the base of the pyramid.

the basic unit of nerves is the neuron, reflex is integrative units, every nerve activitiy involves a number of neurons with many potential liaison with any synapse. the human movement involving the arch reflex, the simplest involves two neurons, afferent neurons 1 (sensory), one neurons efferent pathways (motor).

when a nerve impulse reaches the central nervous, arrangement activity spread widely within the SSP. simple replex arch involves income flows into the CNS by afearen neurons. modification and integration by connecting neurons (neuron efferent pathways) issued a current to one organ effectors.

a. Neuron
each neuron consists of a cell body (perikaryon), one axon and several projection. a single neuron with a single branch out from the body of the cell is called a unipolar, bipolar, one dendrite and one axon opposite poles of the cell body of the neuron, spindle-shaped, of a growing craniospinal is a type of bipolar and multipolar (lots of dendrite-with one axon).

b. Perikariona
formed by a nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm, receptive functions. most neurons receive stimuli make awake in nerves, feed the cell, organelle supplies from the molecule up into the branches.

c. Core
the bottom line, such as a ball and is located at the cell as the cell body smooth spread of one or more large nucleus, in women it is the X chromosome condensation.

d. Cytoplasmic Organelle
usually small mitochondria, golgi apparatus is oval, large, centriole is not clear. intangible items such as almond nissel basofilik from the cytoplasm.

e. the cytoplasm
greatest breadth, pigment granules lipofuscin, secondary lysosome is found in a large number of neurons. lipocrom granule is granule-containing iron, increased the amount in accordance with the increase of age.

f. Synapse
the place  of the transmission of a nerve impulse (stimulus), some circumstances electrical may be forwarded directly to the cells, stimulation of move from one cell to another cell by the substance of the neurotransmitter (nerve conduction). contact between the axon of one neuron projections functionally plant synapse occurs and barrier.

if the synapse of neural cell function trying, runs along the nerve action potential to cause fisikel smelt synapse with axons membrane, side entry to the crack of the synapse and stimulate the synaptic activity enzyme-post. protein molecules with enzyme activity did a quick replacement and the cycle repeats.

g. Neuroglia
neuroglia function brings together a network of CNS, neuroloma kapsula and satellite cells on peripheral nerves. neuroglial cells are generally small, producing myelin are phagocytes, constitute the framework for the proponents of neurons, a dynamical system in the metabolic exchange between the CNS neurons and their environment, and can be moved place and splitting..

h. Makroglia
makroglia consist of :
1. astrocytes : astrocytes are star shaped cells with many branches, cytoplasm is contains ribosomes, golgi complex, lysosomes, and cytoplasmic filaments, related to blood vessels of macroglia consists of :
a. astnisit : the cytoplasm is present on the substance of the medulla spinalis and brain grisea, had a short branch, located around the area of the synapse of neuron and blood vessels.

b. fibrous astrocytes : located in the substantia alba. long and slender with a few branches file filament neuroglia, astrocytes secrete neural fiber to form a seal around the damage area, sometimes become scar tissue.

2. oligodendrosit : oligodendrosit smaller size from astrocytes cells with branches shorter. cytoplasm more of astrocytes with free ribosom. functions such as cell schwan in the SST. several branches to form myelin sheaths around nerve fibers are short.

i. Microglia
microglia are cells small rather elongated with either a branch of thorns and is derived from the mesoderm microglia are located in substansi grisea and alba, near blood vessels. the main source of microglia cells phagocytes, cells in the CNS microglia is formed of a parasite in the arachnoid.

j. Ependim
ependim is a system of developing CNS as an empty cylinder tuba neuralis. in adults as the ventricles of the brain cavity of the medulla spinalis and kanalis this with layer by ependim which maintains the nature of the epithelium on the embryo. the surface of the cell ependim contains many mikrofili and the cytoplasm is contains fibrils.

a collection of bodies of nerve cells that are located outside the CNS are called the (ganglia), a collection of similar in substance of nerves called the nucleus of the ganglia. there are two types of kraniospinal (sensory ganglia) and autonomic (visceral motor ganglia).

each ganglia have a connective tissue capsule on the perimeter of the ganglia bersa, there are any nets fine connective tissue. the entire substance of the composed of fiber colage and retikulat.

ganglia craniospinal fusiformis globular shape on branch of the nerve ganglia and spinal anterior cranialis is a combination of some nerve cells, has a single branch (one axon) time leaving nerve cells form a glomerulus.

at a certain distance, a branch of the nerve cells cytoplasm forms the T and Y, in the middle there is the nerve fibers form a zone file medullaris with perikarion.

autonomic ganglia such as the combined chains long and sympathetic dystrophy branch within the walls of organs supplied by the autonomous system, the shape of a multipolar cells with some projection with a single axon does not be mielin the accepted some of the dendrite and synapse releasing its contents directly into the bloodstream.

Nerve Fibers
branches of the nerve cells found in the CNS has one or more of the sheath, not bermielin as smaller axons from SST as a subtle sensory sheath closed by schwan. schwann cells wrap all the nerve fibers of the SST, the cell nucleus in the middle of the cell, numerous mitochondria, microtubule, microfilament, lysosome, slightly granular endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus. schwann cell located on the ends of the chain along the nerve fibers.

bermielin nerve fibers of nerve fibers, the SST is surrounded by myelin in fresh stage gives the white colour on the substance of the medulla spinalis, and brain. meilin consists of lipid and protein called matting, leave the neuro-keratin, tinged with hematoksilin in the form of concentric layers of the cell plasma membrane schwan development of a nerve fibers causes the longitudinal grooves on schwan on the grooves along the side of the nerve fibers of the cytoplasm surrounding the nerve fibers.

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