Tips The Caring Of Female Reproductive Organs And Reproduction Organs Of Men - Medical Info -->

Tips The Caring Of Female Reproductive Organs And Reproduction Organs Of Men

How To Care For Reproductive Organs
The reproductive organs are part of the body that we have often forgotten clean, but because of our negligence in keeping in clean, can give great impact such as infertility.

tips the caring organ of female reproductive and reproduction of men
the caring of organ reproductive

the cleanliness of the vital organ is not only important for personal but also for your partner, there are many cases where the transmission infection viruses, bacteria, and the function from couples who do not maintain the cleanliness of the reproductive organs.

basically, we should give the best way in cleaning the reproduction organs, principally in cleaning genital organs should be clean with water or with a solid object (e.g. Tissue) are clean and clean it up to the lost smell and ts colour.

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10 Ways To take Care Of The Female Reproductive Organs
1. every exhausted urinating or defecating, clean always the genitals and anus by using a piece of clean water or the cleaning paper (tissue) specifically for hygiene after defection.

clean with a direction move your hand from front to back when cleaning, if done the reverse from back to front, it could be germs or dirt from the rest of worm in anus will invade the tip of the urine channels on the female vital area.

2. the time of menstruation, vaginal hygiene should be heeded, because, at the time of menstruation, blood vessels in the uterus easily infected with germs or diseases, and we recommend that you replace the pads 4-5 time a day after a shower or after defecation.

3. the skin very sensitive  in intimate area, then the necessary caution when cleaning it so as not to hurt or irritated skin, and do not rub or scratch it, but enough to wiped.

4. wash hands in advance so that germs do not devolve into vital organs, it's not long have nail also, because the nail can become a den of germs.

5. reduce SOAP that is too often and too fragrant aroma has SOAP or powdered cleaners very soft vital organs can make irritation of vital organs, and spraying a deodoriser can also cause allergies, irritation and screwed the chemical balance in the reproductive organs.

6. clean your vital organs with enough fresh water, when wearing the SOAP, rinse with plenty of water, the amount that needs to be washed away only the outside only, because naturally, vital organs produce a fluid that is functioning clean wall and sex organs protect it from infection.

7. drain the area of vital organs with very moist good conditions, favored by germs and fungi.

8. change your underwear if it feels wet, or at least twice a day, so when you use thin pads (panty liner), remember that body fluids is delicious food for the bacteria.

9. when you have to pee in a public place, use bottled drinking water to wash away, if there's not enough dry with dry tissue use, and if necessary you can rinse with clean water as soon as you arrive home.

10. if you have vaginal discharge, should immediately be treated as this could give a ping pong effecr on your couple.

How To Care For Men's Reproductive Organs
the fact that the penis of men tend to be more robust against infections an irritation, because if compared with female sex organs, penis have a protective skin thick enough, if there is an infection, men are usually easier to know, because it usually is marked with pain while urinating.

in general, the health care on the reproductive organs of men is almost the same with the care of the female reproductive organs, beginning with hygiene in general.

5 Tips For Keeping The Reproductive Organs Of Men
1. always wash your hand before and after defecation

2. the penis should be washed with water and soft SOAP at least once a day.

3. turned out to provide ease in cleaning the circumcised penis, because if not, let it be "foreskin" ( foreskin- skin covering the penis head) will accumulate smegma, a substance is white and sorta gooey issued by tanks on the penis gland.

if not cleaned, smegma will rot, mingles with sweat and bacteria, thus leading to an uncomfortable smell as well as trigger the infection. on penis circumcised penis head will open, making it easy to clean up.

4. after cleaning genitals, don't forget dry using a towel or rag before wearing the pants on, it is important to prevent the onset of mold around the genitals.

5. better use underwear made of cotton, as it can absorb sweat and doesn't make the genital area into heat, prevent wear panties or pants that are too tight, because in addition the creating the blood circulation is not smooth, it is also make penis overheating, excessive heat this area will lower sperm quality.

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