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Causes Of Gastritis Dan How Treatment Of Gastritis


Gastritis (Inflammation Gastric Mucous) is often occur due to irregular or no diet controlled, and gastritis is an inflammation is an inflammation of the stomach that often occur with the presence of characteristics of anorexia, the full flavor of the belly, uncomfortable in the epigastrium, nausea and vomiting. and gastritis are acute, chronic or localized.

Symptoms And Signs Of Gastritis

signs and symptoms of gastritis are divide into two, namely : acute gastritis and chronic gastritis. 
  1. Sign of acute gastritis ; epigastrum pain, nausea, vomiting, anorexia.
  2. Sign of chronic gastritis : faces looked pale, abnormal hemoglobin, the stomach feels hot, anorexia, abnormal feels tense, BAO/MAO (basal acid output/ maximal acid output) can be known with a biopsy.

7 Causes Of Gastritis

  1. caffeine
  2. alcohol
  3. aspirin
  4. ref-lulus bacteria or radiation of therapy and bacterial endotoxin. 
  5. drugs
  6. smoke
  7. the kind of spicy foods, acidic foods, and foods containing coconut milk.

Psychophysiology Of Gastritis

in acute gastritis, gastritis mucous membranes become edema and hypertension (with network congestion, fluid and blood) and suffered a superficial erosion, this part secretes a number of SAP, the hull containing very slightly acidic but lots of mucus, superficial ulceration can occur and can cause hemorrhagic. 

the gastric mucous is able to repair themselves after experiencing gastritis, if the food doesn't irritate the intestine, but reach spewed out can lead to colic and diarrhea.

drugs, alcohol, bacteria, bile salt or enzymes, the pancreas may damage the gastric mucous, gastric mucous defense and disrupt possible diffuse back of acid and pepsin in the stomach tissue to against most causes the irritation is with the regeneration of mucous.

with irritation that happens continuously  network become inflamed and bleeding occurs. gastritis is also the first sign of acute systemic infection. 

chronic gastritis resulting from the change of parineal cell changes, leading to entropy, cellular infiltration, as well as the circumstances there are splotches of mucous thickening gray greenly.

with the loss of gastric mucous, then gastric secretion of SAP also reduced giving rise to anemia, pernisiasa, and fundur happen or kosfus of the stomach. atropine gastritis may be a prelude to carcinoma.

Complication Of Gastritis

complications of gastritis are divided into two groups, namely :
1. superficiality of acute gastritis : namely the state channels from the top of digestion hematemesis melena, shock hemorrhagic.

2. chronic atrafik gastritis : namely the upper channel bleeding digestion uklus. perforation and anemia.

3. complementary inspection gastritis :
  • endoscopy
  • a complete blood test
  • stool test

4. Medical Treatment For Gastritis

  1. antispamodic
  2. antibiotics
  3. antipyretic
  4. antacids

Classification Of Gastritis

1. Acute Gastritis Eros-if 

acute gastritis is an inflammation of the erosive surface of the gastric mucous with acute erosion damage.

2. Acute Gastritis Hemorrhagic

causes of acute gastritis hemorrhagic is due to the drinking of alcohol or other drugs that cause irritation of the mucous.

3. Chronic Gastritis

inflammatory cells inflammation that occurs in the lamina propria and epithelial intra area in mainly composed of chronic inflammatory cells, namely limposit and pumsa cells.

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