Symptoms Of Thyroid Carcinoma And The Causes Of Thyroid Carcinoma - Medical Info -->

Symptoms Of Thyroid Carcinoma And The Causes Of Thyroid Carcinoma

Thyroid Carcinoma

Thyroid Carcinoma is a malignancy (uncontrolled growth of cells) that occurs in the thyroid gland that has 4 types, namely : pailer, pilikuler, anasplastik and modular. thyroid carcinoma or thyroid cancer including malignancy with a progressive disease groups are relatively good, but its clinical difficult journey is foretold.

cancer of the thyroid gland enlargement more rarely cause often leads to growth of keal (nodules) in the gland. most thyroid nodules are benign, and usually the thyroid cancer can be cured. thyroid cancer often limit the ability to absorb iodine and limiting capabilities.

Picture Symptoms Of Thyroid Carcinoma And The Causes Of Thyroid Carcinoma

Classification Of cancer Thyroid or Thyroid Carcinoma

According to WHO, epithelial moligar thyroid tumor was divided into 5 :

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1. Funicular Carcinoma

Follicular carcinoma was about the age group above 50 years, attacking blood vessels then attack or spread to the bones and tissues of the lungs, if the tumor invades the recurrent nerves, then voice laryngeal sufferers become hoarse.

2. Papillary Carcinoma

thyroid cancer is a type is often found on many women age above 40 years old. papillary carcinoma is a tumor that develops slowly and may appear years before it spread to the lymphatic nodules.

3. Modular of The Carcinoma 

modular of the carcinoma much overwrite the age above 50 years old. its spread through lymphatic nodules and attacked the structure in around. these tumors often occur, and is part of the multiple endocrine neoplasm.

4. Differentiate Bad Carcinoma 

differentiate of the carcinoma is a tumor that develops quickly and outstanding aggressive kind of cancer invades adjacent structures that cause symptoms : stride (hoarseness) and dysphagia. 

Anatomy Physiology Of The Thyroid Gland

the thyroid gland consist of two lobes which are located on the right side of the trachea, bound together by thyroid tissue and crosses the trachea on the front.

this gland is a gland found in the lower part of the front of the neck, attached to the wall of the larynx, thyroid gland this can produce the hormone thyroxine, thyroxine hormone is a function of regulating change substances or metabolism in the body and set the physical and spiritual growth. 

11 Symptoms And Signs Of Thyroid Carcinoma

  1. a lump or swollen bumps in the neck front
  2. pain in the throat or neck that extends to ears
  3. dizziness
  4. sleepy
  5. lymphatic denotative cervical
  6. enlargement of the lymph nodes around the neck
  7. the weight down
  8. the emphasis on esophageal and trachea.
  9. hoarseness.

6 Causes Of Thyroid Carcinoma

  1. genetic
  2. the effect of radiation shines
  3. TSH stimulation of the old
  4. chronic multinodular goiter
  5. environmental factors
  6. the increase in the secretion of the hormone TSH

Pathophysiology Of The thyroid Carcinoma 

regional lymph glands are early symptoms, and finally happened hematology metastasis. general adenocarcinoma hums follicle unifokal with metastasis are also glands limp neck, but less often and less numerous.

but more often metastasis in hematigen. the early stages of deployment hematology and healing occur rarely achieved, infiltration carcinoma occurs that causes stenosis breathing difficulties.

funicular carcinomas are characterized by the presence of remains of the funicular small celluloid formation is bed through. more aggressive than the nodular carcinoma or carcinoma fonicular or papillae, but not as aggressive as thyroid gland cancer lendifferentiated. this extend locally lymph nodes and muscle around and into the trachea, myocardial infection and could blood vessels and metastasis to the lungs and viscera.

analplastik carcinoma of the thyroid gland tumors, undifferentiated small cell carcinoma, including giant cells and cells of the coil. usually occur in older patients with a history of goiter, where the glands is suddenly within a few weeks or month is starting to dilate and produce symptoms emphasis or dispagia, or paralysis of the vocal cords, death due to the expansion of the local that usually happens in the month of 6-36. these tumors and tumors often resistant against treatment.

thyroid carcinoma usually catch i odium radio active than normal thyroid gland contained in around, therefore when done city scan, nodular will appear once as an area with less, taking a cold lesion.

other diagnostic techniques that can be used for the diagnosis of thyroid nodular appeal is thyroid ekografi. this technique allows to distinguish carefully between the solid and cystic.

thyroid carcinoma is usually solid, whereas at the time of cystic acne is usually a benign cyst. thyroid carcinoma must be suspected based on clinical signs if there is only one nodular palpated hard, could not be driven at its base, and is associated with Lymphadenopathy.

it is generally agreed that the thyroid is clinically cancer can be differentiated into a large group of neoplasm differentiated well with the speed of the slow growth and the possibility of healing, and small group of tumors with anaflastik the possibility of fatal.

4 Types Of Thyroid Cancer According To The Nature And Morfologik Biologik

  1. papilaris
  2. folikularis
  3. medikularis
  4. anaflastik

7 Thyroid Carcinoma Complications

  1. bleeding
  2. air embolismos
  3. trauma to the nerve larynges recurrent.
  4. sepsis which extends to the mediastinum  
  5. hypothyroidism
  6. thyroid crisis infection

Diagnostic Thyroid Carcinoma Examination

1. laboratory examination
2. radiology examinations :
  • X-ray photo
  • Ultra Sound
3. CT-scan
4. Biopsy

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