Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Definition, Signs, Symptoms And Causes Of Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Medical Info -->

Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Definition, Signs, Symptoms And Causes Of Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic Ketoacidosis Definition - Diabetic ketoacidosis is being life-threatening complications of diabetes mellitus type I, insulin dependent i.e. diagnostic criteria of glucose 7250 mg/dl, pH = 7,3, serum <carbonate < MEq/L, 18 ketonaemia or ketonuria.

ketoacidosis is a case of emergency diabetic endocrinology caused by insulin deficiency relative or absolute. diabetic ketoacidosis occurs in people with Type I or (type IDM). caused by increasing the acidity of the body of the ketone bodies due to lack or deficiency of insulin. in characteristic with the hyper glikemia, acidosis and ketones due to lack of insulin.

Picture of Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Definition, Signs, Symptoms And Causes Of Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Anatomy Physiology Pancreatica Gland

these glands are located at the rear of the hull in front of the lumbar vertebrae I and II, consists of cells of alpha and beta, alpha cells produce the hormone glucagon, whereas the beta cells produce the hormone insulin.

14 Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetic Ketoacidosis

  1. poliuria
  2. polidipsi
  3. blurred vision
  4. weak
  5. headache
  6. orthostatic hypotension (systolic blood pressure drop 20 mmHg/at the time of standing)
  7. anorexia
  8. nausea
  9. vomiting
  10. abdominal pain
  11. hyperventilation
  12. mental status changes
  13. high blood sugar levels
  14. there are ketones in urine

Causes Of Diabetic Ketoacidosis

diabetic mellitus Type I, or insulin-dependent B cell destruction caused by the langerhans islets due to autoimmune processes. while non dependent insulin diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, caused the failure of the relative retention of B cells and insulin.

retention of insulin is the decline of the ability of insulin to stimulate the uptake of glucose by the peripheral tissues and to inhibit the production of glucose by the liver, the B cells are not able to compensate for the retention of this insulin completely, meaning that it occurs a deficiency the relative insulin.

this disability seen from the reduced secretion of insulin or insulin secretion of titillation. means of pancreatic B cell have process sensitisasi against glucose.

diabetic ketoacidosis is caused by lack of insulin or not enough is a real number, this situation resulted in a disorder in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. there are three important clinical picture in diabetic ketoacidosis include :

  • dehydration
  • loss of electrolyres
  • and acidosis

when the amount of insulin is reduced, the amount of glucose that enters the cell will be reduced anyway, besides that, the production of glucose by the liver to become uncontrolled. both of these factors will lead to hyperglycemia.

in an effort to eliminate excessive glucose from the body, the kidneys will do secretion glucose with water and electrolytes (such as sodium and potassium), osmotic diuresis characterized by excessive urination (poliuri) this will cause dehydration and electrolyte loss.

sufferers of severe ketoacidosis, could lose roughly 6,5 liters of water and up to 400 to 500 Megs of sodium potassium, and chloride over a period of 24 hours.

due to a deficiency of insulin is the breakdown of fat (lipolysis) acid-free fatty acids and glycerol. free fatty acids are converted into ketones by heart.

in diabetic ketoacidosis, happened to excessive production of ketones objects as a result of a lack of insulin that normally would prevent the situation. objects of ketones are acidic, and when stacked in the blood circulation. ketone objects will cause metabolic acidosis.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis Complications

  1. diabetic kidney
  2. blindness
  3. diabetic neuropathy
  4. abnormalities of the heart
  5. hypoglycemia
  6. hypertension

Diabetic Ketoacidosis Supporting Examination

  1. blood analysis
  2. examinations electrolyte
  3. ECG wave T ride
  4. MRI
  5. CT-scan
  6. Photo thorax

9 Ways To Handle Diabetes Ketoacidosis

  1. severe while warm food
  2. give the food a little but often
  3. recommended drinking lots of
  4. set the spring position fowler
  5. teach the techniques of breath in
  6. compress with warm water
  7. teach relaxation and distraction techniques
  8. collaboration grant of oxygent
  9. give a penkes about the disease

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