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8 Tips To Quickly Remove The Stress In Office

8 Tips To Quickly Remove The Stress In Office 

Here I will share tips how to quickly remove stress in the office, because as we know that the workload, the bustle or the large number of problems in the office often makes us stress, but all it could overcome the origin do not let stress afflicting thus lowering your performance.

Picture Of 8 Tips To Quickly Remove The Stress In Office

8 Tips To Quickly Remove The Stress In Office

1. Pull A Long Breath.

this way is the most powerful way to make you be calm, there has been a lot of research to prove, pulling a long breath can help the flow of blood and oxygen in the brain back regularly. so while pulling a long breath, a person will feel a sense of comfort and relax. pausing from work, and then drag the long breath for 5-10 minutes. you'll feel that you'll be calmer, and stress that hit will be lost.

2. Move.

head of the chair of your work place, then walk for a moment, if possible, then it is advisable to get out of the room or outside of your workplace to enjoy exposure to the wind and sunshine. the move will help the muscles of your torso that had previously seemed to be more rigid relax. this can also help remove stress on your self.

3. Laughing.

laughter can stimulate hormone endofrin or better know as Hormone " happy". with a laugh, every load you will feels light, or by watching the funny video, reading a book of humor or talking momentary with colleagues can be your choice.

with the increased oxygen intake, laughing, so that stimulation the heart, lungs and muscles as well as ass endofrin which is produced by the brain and make "stress response", the make high target heart rate and blood pressure, which is produces as sense of relaxed and casual. laugh too healthy for the long term health, improve the immune system and lost pain in a way that is natural.

4. Use Sandals Flops.

this impressed with a little simple, but stylish, relaxed, quieter will feeling, you do not need to wear sandals flops from home, simply replace your shoes with sandals that you already provided in the office where you work. and you will feel more relaxed then ever.

5. Change Of Work Place

if possible, try asking permission with your employer to work from other place, for example, a cafe coffee shop, a different work place position will make your mind is more open.

6. Music.

click your favorite playlist, plug the headphones and the volume should be enlarged, according to study from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital at the University Of Mc. Gill, showed if music could provoke the release of dopamine in the same way as the effects posed by the food, even the music is not like hearing can increase dopamine.

7. Breathing In.
remember when you emotion or moment you experience stress due to something and someone recommend you to take a breather deep, because that advice you need to remember when you feel stress or depressed. when we breathe in, it sends messages to the brain  to be more calm and relaxed. one of the exercises that you can do help relieve stress you are breathing with your stomach. more breath, less distress.

8. Water.

most of us don't know how dehydrated the body. when drinking mineral water can prevent stress, even water shortage only half liter can increase levels of cortisol ( a hormone that is released by the body when we stress). it could be said this is a cycle that is creepy : we feel the stress, so forget about drinking enough water,  and because the body dehydration make you more stress anymore.

generally we recommended to drink mineral water between half an ounce to one ounce of water every half kilogram of weight we are, every day, for example : if you weight 50 pounds, that means 25 ounce of water per day, or about 750 ml per day. drink up! and more relax.

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