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What Is Asthma and Symptoms Of Asthma

What Is Asthma and Symptoms Of Asthma

Asthma Definition is a situation involving the respiratory tract. in an asthma attack, a small pipe (bronkiolus) to the lungs are narrowed due to muscle spasm bronkiolus, swelling of the lining of mucous secretions, and overload. acid disease has involved one million residents in the United Kingdom, many of them his firts hit in his children but not every breath reads "ngik" at the time the kids were mean asthma.

Picture of What Is Asthma and Symptoms Of Asthma

for example disease bronchitis with breath read "ngik" is very easy to be misconstrued as asthma. many children tend toward bronchitis with the sound of breath "ngik" at the age first. but this can be overcome with increasing age of the child.

The Causes Of Asthma

caused by abnormalities in the respiratory tract that cause increased sensitivity to stimuli from the environment. trigger these symptoms can be tiredness mind (emotional disorders), the exhaustion of physical environmental changes, weather, humidity, temperature, smoke (especially cigarette smoke and smell which irritates), respiratory tract infection such as influenza and allergic reaction from inhaled materials or from food.

the level of sensitivity of an airway begins with mild symptoms, namely in the form of a cold and sneeze or cough that is repetitive or relapse, weight and symptoms of asthma is a form of asthma attacks.
the sensitivity usually starts from childhood, and about 50% of asthma will heal by itself, although at some point it can reappear, possibly even asthma would appear to be more severe than before, and this situation is referred to as asthma, about 50% or 60% of respiratory allergy disease relegated to children or to grandchildren and the rest due to severe environmental pollution due to new symptoms appear after growing up.

The Causes Of Asthma In Adults

the main cause of asthma is located on an inflamed respiratory tract due to reactions caused by exposure to materials such as :
  • There is dust in the home, for example in carpets, mattresses, sofas, clothing long stored in the closet and more.
  • Sport weight is also a factor triggering asthma, resulting in coughing on someone who has the talent of asthma. food ingredients especially types of marine fish, cow's milk, eggs, chocolate, nuts, other ingredients can cause irritation, such as spicy, sour taste, sweet taste, a sense of cold, gummy foods, hot foods and other factors.
  • environmental triggers, dirty air and the smell of the feces of pets, cat feces, such poultry and other animals.

The Symptoms Of Asthma

Someone who has asthma symptoms if exposed to triggers factors will show symptoms ranging from mild symptoms, such as runny nose, sneezing, coughing accompanied by itchiness in the throat. and severe symptoms of asthma : shortness of breath, breath, sweat and the pulse rate be increased. experience the sound of breathing at the time, and complaints like these usually appears at night and will be improved in the next day around 9 a.m.

The Cause Of Asthma In Children 

the causes of asthma can be caused by three factors, probably the only one of the factors involved, perhaps two or even three factors play a role in attack, among them are :

1. Factors Cause Allergic Asthma In Children 

can get an idea of weather an allergy is indeed the main causes of asthma in your child through what you describe to him. please tell the doctor about the environment where you child developing asthma.

for example, asthma that may only arise at the time you and your child to visit or have family have a cats, dogs or horses. or perhaps he was suffering from asthma is more severe in the months of the rainy season at the time your child spent much time in the house that illustrate the possibility of a reaction to house mites.

all houses inhabited by ticks or mites home, regardless of how high our standards of cleanliness and hygiene. these mites live on dead skin cells, which each time we remove the outer layers of the skin, when it is on our skin renew itself.

2. Emotional factors Cause Of Asthma In Children

emotional factors plays a major role towards the beginning of asthma attacks in children who are sensitive. the emotions need not be unpleasant. the child can get an asthma attack when he was so excited at the holidays, parties or it is treated specially.

and the times emotional factors working together with two other potential factors, then the possibility of larger attacks.

3. Respiratory Tract Infection 

respiratory tract infections was another factors that led to the attacks if one of the above factors involved him.

3 Ways To Prevent Asthma In Children

prevention should be determined by factors that have to do with the infection of asthma attacks in your child

1. if allergies are a major factor asthma attacks in children, as far as possible avoid contact with compounds that can cause seizures dog or cat, horse hair or mites (mite house).

mite house can be reduce or destroyed by using the vacuum cleaner which is usually located in the mattresses and chairs with fabric upholstery. cleaning of dust with a damp washcloth also help, the sheets should also be replaced, while the blanket must be frequently cleaning or in bathing.

2. if motions become the cause in asthma attacks in children. then reduce the stimulation or concerns prior events. it is hard to do, but remember that with increasing age of the child, he will be able to control his emotions themselves better. before that time, help it do this with your own quiet reaction against this extraordinary incident.

3. if respiratory infections a cause of asthma attacks in children, then avoid crowded places as much as might, go for a walk for a breath of fresh air every day, and treat respiratory tract infections of any kind immediately.

as for the cause, use regularly every medication suggested by the doctor (any shape), given as a precautionary measure. the circumstances of the attack in line with this so that your child will only suffer from adverse effects that a minimum of the asthma.

asthma is a state is not pleasant, but remember, for every child who suffered from asthma, there are other nine children that breathe "ngik" in time for the children, but that does not suffer from asthma. remove anxiety by communicating and consult a doctor.

5 Complications Of Asthma

1. the status of the asthmatics is any severe asthma attacks which later became heavy and does not supply a response (refractory) adrenaline and or aminopilin  injections can be classified on the status asthmatics, and asthmatics should be treated with therapy intensive.

2. Atelaksasis is produced most or all of the lung due to a blockage of the airway.

3. hipoksemia is the body become oxygen deficient.

4. pneumotoraks is there air in the plural cavity which causes pulmonary collapse

5. empisema is a disease whose symptoms are narrowing the breath, because the air sacs in the lungs inflated

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