Diabetes Mellitus - Symptoms, Factors, Pathophysiology, And Signs Of Diabetes Mellitus - Medical Info -->

Diabetes Mellitus - Symptoms, Factors, Pathophysiology, And Signs Of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus Definition - diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that cannot be cured but it can be controlled, with has been characterised by hyperglykemi because the definition of insulin. diabetes mellitus is a disease characterised by decreased levels of sugar in the cells caused by the imbalance between the supply of insulin and the need of the body. Please Read The Fact Danger Behind Of Sugar For Body Healthy

Picture Of Diabetes Mellitus - Symptoms, Factors, Pathophysiology, And Signs Of Diabetes Mellitus

diabetes mellitus is a group of heterogeneous disorder characterised by abnormalities in blood glucose levels or hyperglycemia caused by deficiency of insulin or the insulin doesn't work due to adekuat.

Anatomy Physiology Of Pancreatic Glands

it contain the pancreatic gland behind the stomach in front of the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebra is composed of cells of alpha and beta. alpha cells produce glucagon hormone while beta cells produce the hormone insulin. hormones that are given for the treatment of diabetes, insulin is a protein that can demonstrate its digested by the enzyme-enzyme digestion of protein.

a. the langerhans islets : the unit in the production of nutritional homeostatik secretion, inhibits the secretion of insulin, glycogen and pancreatic polypeptide, as well as inhibit the secretion of glucagon.

b. insulin : improving storage or use in the liver and increase the metabolism of glucose in the muscles and improves glucose transfer.

10 Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes mellitus or Clinical Manifestation of Diabetes Mellitus

  1. polyuria (frequent urination)
  2. polyphagia (eat a lot and feel hungry excess)
  3. a sense of fatigue that is not obvious is why
  4. the itching
  5. inflammation of the skin that is chronically
  6. weight loss
  7. tingling
  8. a difficult wound healed
  9. numbness in ulcer diabeticum

7 Causes of Diabetes Mellitus or Diabetic Etiology

  1. genetic or offspring
  2. virus (rubella and in)
  3. bacteria
  4. toxic ingredients
  5. over of obesitas nutrition
  6. a decrease in the secretion of insulin and insulin retention
  7. age factor more than 65 years

Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus

on diabetes gestasional, in addition to the changes in the physiology, will happen a situation where the amount of insulin of function be not optimal. insulin kinetic changes and resistance to the effects of insulin. as a result, the composition of energy sources increased in plasma (blood sugar levels become high, insulin levels remain high).

Complications Of Diabetes Mellitus

a. complication in mother and child :

  • preeclampsia
  • urinary tract infection
  • caesarean delivery saksio
  • the trauma of giving birth due to big baby
  • barriers to the growth of the fetus
  • congenital defects.

b. the common complications of diabetes mellitus :

  • makroangiopati
  • mikroangiopati
  • stroke
  • disorder of the foot anf hand
  • impotency and infections
  • kidney failure
  • diabetic ulcer

7 Supporting Checking  Diabetes Mellitus

  1. glucose tolerance test
  2. check blood glucose levels
  3. arteria; blood gas
  4. amylase blood
  5. culture and sensitivity.
  6. acetone plasma
  7. osmolalitas serum

Medical Examination Of Diabetes Mellitus

a. oral hypoglycemic drug therapy :

the medicine that works trigger the secretion of insulin,for example : sulfonilurea
sensitivitas enhancer to insulin, for example : biguanid, glitazon
alpha glucosidase enhancer or acarbose
the inkretin

b. insulin therapy :

insulin short works (short acting), for example : actrapid
insulin work fast (rapid acting), example : novaramid, apidra
insulin work being, examples : monotard, humulin
insulin work length, example : ultra lente

3 Type of Insulin Syringes

1. siring (syringe) : made of glass are difficult to clean, fragile and often become inaccurate, siring is best siring made of plastic disposables

2. insulin pen : this tool is practical, easy and fun because it hardly elicited pain.

3. pump insulin (insulin pump) :to provide insulin continuously, the pump must to connected to the diabetic patients (through a tube and needle). blood sugar controlled with very good and according to your needs.

7 Side Effect The Use Of Insulin For Diabetes Patients

  1. hypoglycemia : mismatch between diet, physical activity, and the amount of insulin
  2. lipoatrophy : occurring grooves under the skin of the injection place due to fat tissue atrophy
  3. lipohypertrophy : subcutaneous fatty tissue collection available injection of insulin lipogenic result
  4. systematic allergy or local : eritem and idurasi available in the form of injections that occur within minutes or hour and lasts for several days.
  5. insulin resistance : the condition of a normal amount of insulin are inadequate to produce a normal insulin response from fat, muscle and liver cells.
  6. insulin edema
  7. sepsis

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