Anorexia Nervosa How Symptoms And Treat Of Anorexia - Medical Info -->

Anorexia Nervosa How Symptoms And Treat Of Anorexia

What is anorexia nervosa

anorexia nervosa is a state of worry is mainly found on older children - mostly occurs in young women. this situation often begins in an attempt to lean. older women are increasingly eating her until finally she didn't eat anything and being very skinny but still look himself yet pretty thin.

anorexia nervous and how symptoms and treat of anorexia

he formed the wrong picture about himself and not realize that it was detrimental to his health as well as more damaging to himself than to improve his performance.

anorexia nervous sufferers to deliberately limit input food - for example hiding food and deliberately regurgitate the food has been eaten. 

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Cause And Effect Anorexia Nervosa
older women and boys who suffer from anorexia nervous circumstances tend to have personality like a neurotic, they made a very high stand at for himself and any failure to achieve to the ideal of perfection raises many worries.

this attitude extend to search for slender body that is "ideal". fear of failure is also taking part in doing something at the beginning of this disease. in fact certain anxiety may be a factor in precipitating the end in refusal of food, for example, on one occasion as school friend who joked about overweight or failure to win the game hockey or game athletics.

not enough nutritious foods ate can cause disorders of metabolism and serious illness. although seem to have very much energy. these children live without a backup body, at a very advanced stage, disturbance of body chemistry will not be recovered again. death can occur if action is not done soon.

Treatment Of Anorexia Nervosa
to treat anorexia nervous are needed immediately by the psychiatric counseling in the early stages of this disease in order to prevent the continuation of the state of the advanced stages of a very serious. personality issues and concerns related to adaptation to the situation and adaptation by other who should know.

older women should be helped to understand the problem so that he can start helping himself walking in the direction of normal again, it takes a lot of understanding accompanied by compassion as well as help from family and friends.

if this state of affairs has its roots and older women were not able to be persuaded to eat normal then needed a consultation with the doctor, or immediately bring the child to the hospital, so that a chemical imbalance can be restored to normal and guaranteed minimum input-if necessary through the blood vessels. after the physical state from starvation is repaired, psychiatric help is needed to identify and treat the underlying problem.

anorexia is a situation that worries and a serious problem as well as one of the circumstances which must be realized every mother, especially older women. since most are girl who want a slim body that is excessive is a norm in the teenagers age. but usually a child nails that are too meticulous and highly intelligent which can be obsessed by the desire to lose weight so that eventually leading to anorexia nervous. this possibility should be identified early and preventive action should be done.

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